Will Mexico voters continue on AMLO disastrous path?


On June 6, Mexican voters will have the opportunity to begin the rehabilitation of the nation with a firm hand. Not everything is lost. You have to act, not just complain. Use our vote well… the future is in it.

“Imagine, Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara was a doctor, a doctor, the best president in Latin America, Salvador Allende. How can I speak ill of the doctors! A group of doctors saved my life. No, it’s that they are misrepresenting everything, everything, everything, everything ”. López Obrador in a morning conference on May 11, 2020.

For anyone with three fingers of a forehead and who had listened carefully to the long interviews that AMLO held with journalists and analysts at Milenio and Televisa, it was more than evident the supine and lonely stupidity that the interviewee displayed about the arts of public management . He flaunted a gross ignorance about the affairs of state, ornamented by a sly cynicism.

Nor was that something of the other world in this poor country ravaged by the curse of the stupidity and ignorance of its ruling elites, from the Classic Horizon and the decline and fall of Palenque and Teotihuacán to the sad present times.

Various institutions and personalities and some guardians of good fortune have prevented our nation from falling apart despite the strenuous efforts of the ineptitude, meanness and incompetence of the majority of the ruling class that we have suffered. It has been said, well, that Mexican politicians did not come down from Mars, that they are a genuine product of this society that has generated them. Well, they take care every day to convince us otherwise with the daily surprises of their immense creativity for indecency, fraud and shamelessness.

The current president, in just two years, has done his best to leave his prominent mark on the national history of political infamy.

It has to be admitted that the pathogen Peje has turned out to be a very tough virus to peel off. He has tired of showing his manifest ineptitude and incompetence on a daily basis.

Normally, here and in China, nefarious politicians carry within them the germ of their own destruction. As pathogenic viruses and bacteria create antibodies in invaded organisms, they end up eliminating them and becoming stronger after the crisis. But it has to be admitted that the pathogen Peje has turned out to be a very tough virus to peel off. He has tired of showing his manifest ineptitude and incompetence on a daily basis. Except for some cosmetic measures, relatively innocuous and merely symbolic, such as turning Los Pinos into a museum or cutting the income of senior officials, or that do not cost him, such as raising minimum wages, everything else what he has done has bordered or surpassed the borders of ridicule or disaster — or both. Some have only served to the astonishment and derision of the respectable, such as the fake raffle of the no-plane without prizes, but most of their occurrences and nonsense are a variety of short or long routes to catastrophe. Whichever one is chosen, with very few exceptions. Every day keyboards and presses tire with their enumeration. Why repeat them.

And what is the result? After two years of everyday nonsense and nonsense, his popularity has not decreased. His rudimentary oratory, his gifts from the treasury, and his rupestrian vulgarity achieve the adverse miracle of supporting an increasingly precarious majority with his cybernetic toloache, but a majority nonetheless.

The real miracle is not how do you do it? but how do you believe it? How do they continue to believe him? The burden of proof is on his enthralled and gullible followers. Faced with an obvious and repeated scam, the blame already falls on the scammed. There is no longer a tired argument that the previous ones in office were worse; before the naked and cruel numbers in a tailspin of the economic, health, educational, and social welfare indexes that show the worst performance of a president since Pascual Ortiz Rubio. The pandemic ended up certifying him as the worst president at the worst time. This has long been a massacre and social devastation. It will take many years to fully repair the cataclysm of this fateful biennium.

The real miracle is not how do you do it? but how do you believe it? How do they continue to believe him? The burden of proof is on his enthralled and gullible followers. Faced with an obvious and repeated scam, the blame already falls on the scammed.

There were multiple conjectures about the causes of AMLO’s electoral victory in July 2018. From hypothetical political charisma and cunning that he himself has conscientiously endeavored to deny every morning, to genuine disenchantment at the meager fruits of the recent democratic transition. What is undeniable was the massive dissemination of a catchy story summed up in the phrase “We can’t be worse anymore”, which won millions of votes from fed-up citizens not belonging to their circles of sympathizers and who agreed to give it a try. Two years and more than four months later, after more than a third of his term in office, his results have been catastrophic, to put it mildly:

• More than half a million deaths among direct victims of covid-19 and “Excess mortality” (417,002 victims as of March 15, according to the SSA’s own figures .)

• Of which 190,000 deaths could have been prevented , according to a WHO report prepared by UCSF ; more, here .

• 36,476 homicides in 2019 , according to INEGI .

• 35,484 homicides in 2020 ( INEGI ).

• 80,759 intentional homicides so far during AMLO’s administration, according to the National Information Center of the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System (SESNSP) of the federal government itself.

• Nine million more poor people.

• 2.9 million jobs lost in one year (55.7 million in Dec 2019 / 52.8 million in Dec 2020).

• One million businesses closed.

• 48,906 untrue statements in morning lectures.

In summary, we have as first president a closed and closed politician (Roger Bartra dixit), obtuse and incompetent, incoherent and ineffective, who instead of the promised austerity and fight against corruption has delivered suicidal cuts and dismantling of public institutions, electoral demagoguery, and patronage, lies and insults, retro-populism and extravagance (Bartra again), and most seriously, greed for power that augurs, if we allow it, a reactionary political regression to the times before the IFE-INE, those of the authoritarianism from when the government ran elections.

The job of citizens aware of the danger that the fragile and incipient Mexican democracy runs is not to convince the fanatics, but rather that the apathetic and the undecided come out to vote.

Well, on June 6, Mexican voters will have the opportunity to begin the rehabilitation of the nation with a firm hand. Not everything is lost. You have to act, not just complain. Use our vote well… the future is in it.

The job of citizens aware of the danger that the fragile and incipient Mexican democracy runs is not to convince the fanatics, but rather that the apathetic and the undecided come out to vote. With his idolaters it is only worth remembering Proust’s phrase: “Something that has not entered a head rationally cannot come out of it rationally.”

How Roger Bartra’s thinking is summarized in Return to the Cage. The failure of López Obrador,

The so-called “Fourth Transformation” is nothing more than a regression to a stage in our political history that seemed already to be overcome, with all the political, economic and social risks that this implies.
To illustrate, a brief recount of the results of its battered social programs and aggressive austerity measures, as well as its erratic response to the emergence of COVID-19, is enough. Today it is clear, perhaps more than ever, that AMLO’s political project has been a failure that could be dangerous for the fate of Mexico in the short term. Faced with this scenario, the 2021 elections have the possibility of balancing the country’s political balance in favor of a true plural democracy or consolidating one of the most harmful political movements in our recent history.

Which path will voters choose?

Source: revistareplicante.com

Mexico Daily Post