Teachers across Mexico are getting vaccinated


From Veracruz, Delfina Gómez, head of the Ministry of Education (SEP), gave the starting signal to kick-off the vaccination of 197 thousand teachers in her state, a strategy that seeks to return to face-to-face classes.

During his daily “morning press conference”, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, president of Mexico, joined in a virtual meeting with the official to thank all those who participate in this operation, as well as the teachers for assisting on time to get vaccinated and he also thanked the parents for caring for their children during the pandemic.

In the first stage, in addition to Veracruz, immunization will also cover educational personnel from Chiapas, Coahuila, Nayarit, and Tamaulipas.

The federal government plans to apply in these states 529,989 vaccines from the Chinese laboratory CanSino, which only require one dose, so schools could open within 15 days.

“All educational centers that have a valid activity will be vaccinated because the objective is to reopen educational centers,” strategist Hugo López-Gatell explained at a press conference on April 19th.

Source: Informador

Mexico Daily Post