Merida’s Harlow Restaurant changes ownership and name

The new owner says she does not know about the controversial case in which the previous administrator was involved.

Ingrid Tavares Calderón, the owner of the new restaurant Nabil, formerly Harlow, said she was unaware of the controversial case in which the previous owner of the restaurant was involved, and claimed to have no link with her.  

Although she indicated that they decided to keep the workforce of the old business, more than 20 workers.  

After it became known that the owner of the Harlow restaurant, Dawn Simmons, threatened to kill and beat a teenage girl, on March 29, state authorities suspended the business; however, the reason for the suspension is unknown. 

Dawn Simmons (Facebook)

Three weeks after Dawn threatened a teenage girl and destroyed some of the furniture for sale, the anguish of Carolina and her daughter (victims of Dawn) increases. Just a few days ago they got a restraining order that they had to insistently request from the Prosecutor’s Office.  

On Monday, April 19, the new administration of the now called Nabil restaurant, called a press conference, where they abounded on the changes within the company, for example, they decided to keep all the workforce that worked with Harlow. “They are skilled, generous, hard-working people, with all the willingness to create a unique concept in Yucatán.” 

When questioned about the situation that went viral on social networks and the media, Tavares Calderón commented: “I do not know the problem, I am new in this field in Mérida and you judge for yourself … I am not aware of the problem”, she indicated; He also acknowledged that he acquired the place without knowing this case.  

The businesswoman said that she is a customer of the Marmalade Barra de Cocina restaurant, also owned by Dawn Simmons, there she met a lady named Stephi Simmons who told her that Harlow was for sale. “I had the opportunity and I just took it,” Tavares said. “If this place is now open, it is because we comply with all the guidelines required,” she said.  

Dawn Simmons

However, she refused to have any connection with the previous owner. In turn, she ruled out that the controversial event that took place before in that property could bring a bad image. “I don’t think so, because it is an innovative restaurant for the state, and we have nothing to do with anything done by the previous owner,” she said.  

For his part, Mario Broca Cetina, one of the restaurant’s chefs, preferred not to talk about the case of violence that went viral, as it is a thing of the past: “I am in another area, what was left behind is behind, I don’t want to damage the image of the new restaurant, because it is us now and whatever happened it won’t happen again” the Chef said.  

Mario admitted that the new owner, Ingrid, is aware of what happened, since the employees told her about it.   


Some of the dishes of the current restaurant are Mediterranean, which can be accompanied by house wine. The working hours are 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Some of the entrees that can be tasted at the center of the table are burrata with mozzarella cheese and cream cheese inside, lamb post, beet hummus, and pita bread.

Ingrid Tavares said that she owns another Nabil branch in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, “we made the decision to buy the restaurant to have one more challenge in our professional life.” 

They decided to invest in Mérida because of the quality of its people and Paseo Montejo is a historic avenue, where Nabil restaurant will now offer delicious Mediterranean food, among other dining options.

Source: La Jornada Maya

The Yucatan Post