AMLO did not eliminate disappearances or torture says human rights group


Government did not end with disappearances and torture, highlights in report; nor did he withdraw the Army from civilian work, he says

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) criticized the Mexican government because during 2020 it did not take the necessary measures to protect the guarantees of women, children, and adolescents, indigenous peoples, migrants, persons deprived of liberty, defenders of human rights, and journalists and the LGBTTTI community.

In its 2020 Annual Report, the IACHR also accused that Mexico did not fully comply with many of the recommendations it had made to end disappearances, torture, extrajudicial executions, as well as improve security conditions and access to justice. .

In the conclusions of its report, the international organization pointed out that although the Mexican authorities recognize human rights and there is a regulatory framework to protect them, in reality, violations continue to occur.

ANÁLISIS Detenciones en Jalisco: ¿Por qué sí son desapariciones forzadas? |  IBERO

“In 2020, the high numbers of disappearances and homicides without due investigation, as well as the situation of insecurity of people or groups most exposed for reasons of historical discrimination, continue to be of special concern.

“The challenge of the Mexican State is to close the gap between its normative framework and its recognition of human rights, with the reality experienced by a large number of inhabitants when they seek prompt and effective justice, and concomitantly redouble their efforts in the matter. prevention of rights violations, “said the IACHR.

He explained that abuses have increased since 2006 when the federal government focused its security strategy on fighting drug trafficking with the support of the Armed Forces.

After that, the inter-American commission considered, “security policies have been implemented that over the years have proven to be ineffective,” in addition to the fact that impunity has become a stimulus for violations to continue to occur.

“The lack of access to justice has created a situation of impunity of a structural nature that has the effect of perpetuating and, in certain cases, promoting the repetition of serious rights violations,” he lamented.

CIDH: "México no eliminó las desapariciones ni la tortura"

In a 117-page document, the IACHR stated that, in matters of security, Mexico has failed to comply with the recommendation it had made to develop a plan to gradually withdraw the Armed Forces from public security tasks and strengthen the civilian police.

Nor has the government complied with the preparation of a registry of torture victims or the use of video cameras during interrogations and on patrols.

Regarding the disappearances committed by security elements, the IACHR questioned that there is no protocol for these events to be investigated by independent experts, nor is there a national registry on clandestine graves and unidentified remains. The commission dedicated a good part of its report to the violations suffered by historically discriminated groups.

In the case of women, he stressed that there is no strategy to prevent sexual crimes against them by the security forces and that there is a lack of public policies to restructure gender stereotypes, in addition, there are no mechanisms to punish discrimination against indigenous women.

Regarding the indigenous population, he questioned that the government has not promoted free, prior, and informed consultations on the construction of megaprojects such as the Mayan Train, the New Felipe Ángeles International Airport, or the Development Program for the Isthmus of Tehuantepec.


Mexico Daily Post