Feminists expose 36 Mexican candidates for harassment and rape


On the list is the candidate of Going for Mexico, Gabriel Quadri, who is going for a place in the Chamber of Deputies.

The feminist collective Las brujas del Mar exhibited 36 candidates for different positions of popular election and of the 10 national parties, to be accused of assault, sexual harassment, rape, and child pornography.

Through their social networks, they said “here we feminists are doing the job of investigating their candidates, we leave their representatives here.”

On the list is the candidate of Going for Mexico , Gabriel Quadri, who is going for a place in the Chamber of Deputies; there is Sergio Estrada , who is the candidate of Fuerza por México for the municipal presidency of Cuernavaca. Both are accused of assaulting women.

Also, there is Tito Maya de la Cruz, who is a PRD candidate for the municipal presidency of Villa Guerrero, in the State of Mexico and is accused of gender violence. 

There is Marcos Isleño, who was serving as mayor of Medellín of the PRI when he was accused of hitting his sentimental partner.

The list is in order to make visible the contenders who violate the 3 of 3 against Gender Violence. 

So far, the National Electoral Institute (INE) has registered 19 people who have committed political violence against women based on gender, who are accused of calling a female deputy a “góber lover”; distribute flyers promoting prostitution and with the number of a candidate for legislator; reduce the salary without justification to a trustee; hinder the work of a councilwoman, among others.

INE includes 19 on the ‘black list’ for political violence against women

Politicians are accused of publicly attacking or preventing women from exercising their functions in government positions, according to the INE.

elections gender parity
Photo: Arnaud Jaegers on Unsplash.

The National Electoral Institute (INE) has registered 19 people who have committed political violence against women based on gender, who are accused of calling a female deputy a “góber lover”; distribute flyers promoting prostitution and with the number of a candidate for legislator; reduce the salary without justification to a trustee; hinder the work of a councilwoman, among others.

This registry indicates that the cases are registered in 9 states, where the highest incidence is found in 3: Campeche, Quintana Roo and Veracruz. Of the total, 15 were committed by a man and 4 by women.

Quintana Roo4

Source: INE

In this registry is the director of Civil Protection of Puerto Morelos in Quintana Roo, Merced Ortiz Maya , along with his nephew Ángel Antonio Ortiz Francisco and his collaborator Cristina Alberto Ojeda. The accusations against them are that they distributed pamphlets and flyers in which they promoted prostitution networks, and they put as contact the number of the then candidate for local deputy Teresa Atenea Gómez.

The flyers had the number of the contestant and was accompanied by a message such as “Do you have 250 pesos and you want to have fun?” “Full service, call me.”

There is also the businessman Carlos Antonio Mimenza Novelo, a former independent candidate for the Presidency in 2018 . The Electoral Court of Quintan Roo determined that the businessman committed gender-based political violence against the PAN deputy Roxana Lili Campos Miranda, by transmitting two videos against her.

In one of these recordings titled “Uncomfortable Truths”, Mimenza Novelo said: “Lili Campos, by God !, well, we better not even talk about the government’s mistresses, because that would be to get off the subject, right? totally incapacitated. They have not run a taco stand in their life and they want to come run a town hall ”.

Ernesto Ruiz Flores, municipal president of Altotonga, Veracruz , is the one who has the highest number of accusations. He has 4 records for a systematic and continuous conduct to obstruct the exercise of the position of the councilor of the municipality of Altotonga María Elene Baltazar Pablo.

The mayor denounced that in the Cabildo session of July 24, he was not summoned with the due formalities, in addition to the fact that in the relief of said session his deliberative exercise was obstructed.

Javier Castillo Viveros, municipal president of Alta Lucero de Gutiérrez Barrios, Veracruz, is accused of having exercised political violence against the trustee María Griselda Mora Fernández. The state Electoral Court pointed out that the political violence against the trustee was accredited since it hindered the exercise of the position since it was not summoned to draft the 2021 Expenditure Income and Budget Law.

The municipal president of Chinampa de Gorostiza, Veracruz, Lázaro Avendaño Padilla, also appears. He is accused of violating the trustee Ana María Garcés García, due to the fact that he deducted 50% of her salary for an alleged mandatory donation, as well as for the late payment of her bonuses and discriminatory accusations against her.

The woman also points out that the municipal president sent a truck full of garbage to her house to spread a note about a demonstration against her, because she did not comply with her commissions, displaying it publicly on a page of the City Council and a virtual newspaper of the region.

Source: forbes.com.mx

Mexico Daily Post