Was Cancun’s Mandala Beach Club trying to “privatize” the beach?


The beach club placed wooden posts to limit free mobility on the beach.

Cancun, Quintana Roo, (April 08, 2021).- In recent days it was made public that part of the beach located in front of the Mandala Beach Club was privatized due to the fact that a dividing fence had been placed in the sand.


With wooden poles they delimited the space that the club offered to its clients and prevented free movement on the beach, which caused the anger of several bathers.

According to the reforms to the General Law of National Assets, published just last October, the concession of usufruct of the beach  does not give the companies the right to prohibit, in any way, free transit on the beaches.


This morning, the Mandala Beach Resort woke up with a new report that the authorities were at the scene to remove the wooden poles and lift the private area of this Beach Club, which is not the first time that tries to obstruct the federal zone.

Here some images of the moment when they remove everything the Mandala Beach Club had placed on the beach.


Mandala Beach Resort is located on Km. 9.5, Blvd. Kukulcan, Zona Hotelera, 77500 Cancún, Q.R.

Source: SIPSE

The Cancun Post