Morena legislator Ricardo Monreal calls for regulation of marijuana paused until September


The Senate has until April 30 to make a decision on the regulation of the use of cannabis, but Senator Ricardo Monreal considers that the ideal would be to ask the Court for a new deadline.

The official assured that the law should not be applied with inconsistencies

The president of the Senate Political Coordination Board, Ricardo Monreal, proposed that the Federal Law for the Regulation of Cannabis be voted on in the ordinary period of sessions in September, to correct the inconsistencies of the opinion endorsed by the Chamber of Deputies.

“I ask that we give ourselves a pause, a time, and that we could be legislating on the matter (cannabis regulation) the next session, starting on September 1,” he said.

In a press conference during the ordinary session of the Senate, the Zacatecan legislator stated that the representative body cannot legislate under pressure from anyone.

“Because there are pressures of various kinds, pressures from the tobacco industry, political and industrial interests and the Senate cannot legislate under pressure, it cannot and should not.”

He argued that there is a consensus on the part of all the political forces of the Senate not to rush the ruling and that the inconsistencies that San Lázaro endorsed be corrected.

“Yes we can modify the inconsistencies,” he said.

The morena legislator said that before this a new extension should be requested to the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN), for which it would be the third request made in this regard, since February 2019 the Congress to modify laws to regulate the use of marijuana.

“The correct thing is to request a new term to the Supreme Court , in the event that the procedure of general declaration of unconstitutionality is denied, it can be carried out and continue that a minister raises it to the plenary session and that in this process the Senate can continue deliberating until it is achieved” , He said.

In the event that a new extension is not granted, one of the ways is that there is an unconstitutionality and each time an Amparo on consumption is promoted, the Supreme Court will grant the Amparo, as in the case of the five resolutions that motivated jurisprudence. 


Mexico Daily Post