Mazatlan vertical real estate development invades the tourist strip


The most outstanding projects in Mazatlán are high-level towers with 20 floors.

Mazatlán, Sin.- The growth of real estate developments in the coastal strip of Mazatlán multiplied rapidly; However, there were no solid strategies aimed at encouraging the sustainability of the local environment, but there was an onerous negative cost-benefit, due to the lack of urban planning for the construction of a sustainable city.

Desarrollos en Mazatlán con alto nivel de calidad y plusvalía

Real estate developments classified as high-level vertical homes, which are offered to nationals with high purchasing power, but also with a very marked trend towards Canadian and American consumers, have generated annoyance by residents of the neighborhoods where they have been developed because apparently, they do not comply with environmental regulations.

Departamento en Venta en CENTRAL 102 TOWER en Mazatlan

The real estate boom that Mazatlán reports is due to the confidence that national and foreign businessmen have had because the pandemic was not a factor to limit investments, said Carlos Venegas Arriola, vice president of the College of Civil Engineers in the town.

He stated that the most outstanding projects are high-rise vertical constructions, that is, towers that exceed 20 levels to be built mostly in the area of ​​the boardwalk and tourist area.

He commented that the procedures for land use and permits to carry out tourism work in the port have skyrocketed, which has resulted in the lack of local labor due to the high demand in construction, therefore, on occasions, the builders have been forced to bring bricklayers from Chihuahua, Hidalgo, and Guerrero.

“The activity is very well taking advantage of this real estate boom, there are too many investments and it will go on for a long time, because there are many requests for land, for land use, since they are asking for roads in construction. Mainly in vertical constructions and on the other hand, they are daring to present subdivision projects, which take longer to land, “he said.

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Venegas Arriola added that the Mazatlán College of Civil Engineers has 250 members of which 60% are active with 100% projects.

For his part, the president of the Mexican Chamber of the Construction Industry southern delegation, Guillermo Trewartha Domínguez indicated that more towers are coming, so it is necessary that the municipal authorities give the feasibility of the services.

He explained that as builders at the time of building a tower they comply with the regulations of environmental laws and all the requirements that are required.

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“We hope that the Planning Department will do its job, according to the regulations the towers must be created in avenues and I believe that it is being fulfilled, there will always be complaints ” he pointed out.

Meanwhile, the former president of the Mexican Association of Real Estate Professionals, Luis Enrique Peraza Reyes, stressed that in recent years real estate growth in Mazatlán has had a considerable increase and despite the pandemic, it has not stopped and will continue for the next year in the port, as there are some important projects.

An advancement of around 40 projects which are on the horizon to be executed in this tourist destination, as investments continue to increase.

Departamentos nuevos mazatlan - departamentos en Mazatlán

“I can tell you that this real estate boom will be sure throughout 2021, for all the projects that are yet to be delivered and above all because the authorities continue to work hard in Mazatlán to make an attractive city,” he concluded.

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The Mazatlan Post