Authorities deny that there is disorder in Mazatlan after videos are made public


The Municipal Public Security Secretariat regretted that people record the facts with morbidness and immediately upload them to social networks.

Municipal authorities deny that there is disorder in Mazatlán during these Easter holidays.

After the fight this Friday carried out by some young people outside a hotel on Avenida del Mar, the Municipal Public Security Secretariat reported that there are people detained.

While, about the young tourist who undressed in the middle of the Malecón, the owner Juan Ramón Alfaro Gaxiola assured that they acted quickly, even provided her with a blouse and currently, due to the inconvenient state in which she was, she is protected in the holding facilities waiting for a family member.

The Secretary maintains that so far there is a white balance in Mazatlán during this operation and although it is not possible to attract attention for drinking on the beaches, it is possible to invite them to moderate and even make use of a designated driver.

Alfaro Gaxiola regretted that people record these types of situations and immediately upload them to social networks.

In this regard, the Municipal Coordinator of Civil Protection, Eloy Ruiz Gastelúm, assured that in Mazatlán there is order, proof of this, he boasted the operation that was implemented on Avenida Bahía, where people who listen to music were invited to behave in their vehicles, even live groups, while drinking alcoholic beverages.

The municipal official said that they have the instruction to put order because they have the capacity to make the necessary adjustments, so they called on citizens to “behave up to the task”, because although “Mazatlán has the doors open to receive them, it also has laws and regulations that must be complied with ”.


The Mazatlan Post