“Ruta Amanecer Maya” a joint effort to promote tourism promotion between Cozumel and Mérida


The municipalities of Cozumel and Mérida, Yucatán, together with the Mobility ADO Group, presented the “Ruta Amanecer Maya”, a joint effort to promote tourism promotion on the island and the Yucatecan capital, increase visitor flows and strengthen tourism from overnight, which allow recovering the sources of employment for the benefit of the community.

The event was led by the Municipal President, Pedro Joaquín Delbouis; the Director of Economic and Tourism Development of the Mérida City Council, Eduardo Seijo Solís; and the General Manager of Mobility ADO, Julio García Flores, who unveiled the allusive plaque of the “Ruta Amanecer Maya”, an alliance between Cozumel and Mérida to promote cultural, natural, medical and gastronomic tourism.

“With these promotional actions we endorse our work for tourism, which is not a matter of colors, but rather of consolidating a model that allows us to bring out the best face of our municipalities towards the world and generate tourist influx, employment, and opportunities for the development of the region, ”said Pedro Joaquín Delbouis.

The also President of the National Association of Tourist Municipalities (ANMTUR), pointed out that, if there is an important factor to create and detonate a tourism product for its growth, it is connectivity, transportation, “for that reason we are grateful that you join this project the Mobility ADO Group ”, he pointed out.

In addition to the “Ruta Amanecer Maya”, the Municipal President announced that he will work, hand in hand with the Iludeco group in an idea of ​​”Mapping”, to improve the attractions of the Center of the island and the Benito Juárez park and thus generate more tourism in the first painting of the city.

Representing the Mayor of Mérida, Renán Barrera Concha, the Municipality’s Director of Economic and Tourism Development, Eduardo Seijo Solís, highlighted that the “Ruta Amanecer Maya” is the result of the union of sister cities that share culture and safety, benchmarks of the tourist activity in the country.

The General Manager of Mobility ADO, Julio García Flores, expressed the commitment and collaboration of this company to strengthen tourism in an orderly and sustainable way in Cozumel, under the criteria of health security.

After the presentation, the authorities, accompanied by Eduardo Godoy Maldonado, from the Iludeco Group, and Pedro Hermosillo López, Director of Tourism and Economic Development of Cozumel, unveiled the image of the “Ruta Amanecer Maya”, which will offer, indefinitely, beauties and attractions between Mérida and Cozumel, as well as the Riviera Maya, and will have facilities, discounts and special prices in reservations and transportation, available in the ADO terminals, through the agency “Mi Escape”, with more than seven round trip services between both cities.

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Source: cozumel.gob.mx

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