Museums of Saltillo Coahuila will be open during the holidays


In the city of Saltillo there are 15 museums that can be visited

Saltillo, Coahuila.- Among the activities that can be carried out during the holiday season in the state capital is to visit one of the museums in the city, such as the Museo del Sarape, de las Aves or the museum of the desert, the most important in Latin America, so it is a great option for these days where responsible tourism is requested by citizens to avoid new infections of Covid-19.

Seis exposiciones de Arte y Cultura taurina durante el Congreso - Las Artes

Only in the city of Saltillo, there are 15 museums that can be visited; On the part of State museums, there are The Bullfighting Museum, The Museum of Graphic Arts, the Museum of Sarape and Mexican Costumes, The Museum of Normalism, The Museum of the Mexican Revolution, The Museum of Coahuilenses Presidents, Salas Carranza and the Government Palace Museum.

In addition, the Municipal Museums in the city are: Purcell House, Rubén Herrera Museum, and the García Carillo Theater Cultural Center; On the other hand, the private museums that can be visited in Saltillo are the Bird Museum, the Catrina Museum, and the Desert Museum.


All these cultural spaces will be open during the “holy days” from 10 in the morning and some remain open until 7 in the afternoon.

Regarding the Covid-19 Prevention measures, the Municipal Institute of Culture reported that they follow the protocols set by the Covid-19 Southeast Regional Technical Subcommittee, which is to maintain a healthy distance, the application of antibacterial gel at the entrance and each one of the exhibition rooms, request that mouth covers be used to enter and during the museum stay and avoid crowds inside the rooms.

Trajes típicos de todo México - Picture of Museo del Sarape y Trajes  Mexicanos, Saltillo - Tripadvisor

In addition, it was announced that all these cultural spaces have permanent exhibitions and in some cases, they have interim exhibitions, as is the case of the Desert Museum that has the exhibition Zona de Dinos, which houses 15 species of dinosaurs in actual size of which 13 of them are machined.

So one of the options to do during this holiday season, with all the Covid-19 prevention measures, is to visit the State Capital and marvel at one of the museums in the city.

Conoce el Museo Nacional de la Revolución mexicana

Museum Locations


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