They prohibit the sale of alcohol in recreational centers and beaches in Culiacán; there will be sanctions


If the regulation is not followed, the sanctions could be from 10 to 200 UMAS

Culiacán, Sinaloa.- The Inspection and Surveillance coordinator of the Culiacán City Council, Luis Alfonso Meza Espinoza, reported that the sale of alcohol is prohibited on beaches, spas, and recreational centers in the state capital during holy days.

He pointed out that this decision was taken by the municipal authorities, who, in addition to not granting permission for the sale of alcoholic beverages, did not authorize to extend hours for the sale of alcohol in outlets.

“So far so far, there are no permits for the sale of alcohol in recreational centers or on the beaches, there are none. Which are the places where there is a greater concentration of the population, on the beaches and recreational centers,” he said.

Meza Espinoza reiterated that the decision was not to allow the sale, and warned that failure to obey could apply sanctions of 10 to 200 UMAS, also said that they will be monitoring that businesses are complying with the sanitary measures implemented by the security authorities.


The Mazatlan Post