Inclusive Tourism actions are introduced in Querétaro


In the panel “Day of Inclusion: Towards an inclusive Querétaro”, organized by the Tec Milenio University and the “He for She” movement, the State Secretariat of Tourism presented different actions carried out in the state to facilitate the access of disabled people to tourist services.

In this panel, Vasthi Zamorano Olvera, the promoter of Tourism Culture Certification of the State Tourism Secretariat, stressed that according to data from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi), about 15 percent of the population in the state has some type of disability, so it is preponderant that tourist destinations and services are in a position to serve this population sector.

She stressed that during the current administration, multiple actions have been carried out in the state, aimed at promoting tourism as a universal right for the enjoyment of all.

In this regard, the general coordinator of the Tourist Attention and Protection Center (CAPTA), Juliette María Rojo Hernández, explained, before students and professors of the Tec Milenio University, that one of the most relevant actions carried out within the Ministry of Tourism is the training of tourist service personnel in Mexican Sign Language (LSM).

She added that the agency permanently conducts awareness sessions with service providers, seeks to generate infrastructure projects and actions that improve inclusive service, as well as the organization of training courses on human rights and the eradication of any type of discrimination.

She also said there have been various free tours for people with disabilities through the Historic Center, and the CAPTA offers the free wheelchair loan service; In addition, there are brochures of the main tourist attractions of Querétaro in the Braille system.

“We have had training on Human Rights and on non-discrimination to improve the type of care we provide to people. We have also expanded our services, we have the loan of wheelchairs for free, which is also available in the itinerant modules that we place in the Magical Towns, ”said Rojo Hernández.

In her intervention, the representative of the tour operator company Mr. Sik, Mónica Bustamante Escamilla, explained that for just over two years specialized tourist tours have been offered for people with disabilities and it is the first Inclusive Tourist Route in the City of Queretaro.

Among the services offered by Mr. Sik, the visit to the El Cerrito Archaeological Zone for the blind and visually impaired stands out; as well as tours of the Historic Center of Querétaro for people with physical or cognitive disabilities.


The Queretaro Post