Medical tourism a factor that adds to the economic reactivation of Mexico


According to authorities of the Ministry of Tourism (Sectur), Mexico has become the second power in medical tourism worldwide, providing high demand and activity to the national real estate market. Besides being a factor of weight for the economic reactivation of the country.

Miguel Torruco Marqués, head of Sectur, affirmed Mexico receives an annual flow of up to three million patients from other countries who travel to undergo any intervention that ranges from medical treatments and surgeries, being the first place in dental tourism destinations.

Data provided by Hospital CQM, the US population is the most attracted to undergo a procedure in Mexico. However, they explain, Canada and the United Kingdom also represent a strong influx of foreign tourists, due to the fact that waiting times in Mexico are shorter, in addition to the fact that the procedures are up to 80% cheaper than in other countries.

In this sense, Mexican Real Estate benefits due to the high demand -in the sale and rental of real estate, as well as in the sale of land- to build clinics and recovery centers, this was announced by the president of the Council State of Real Estate Professionals, Lilia Sastré Ibarra.

The Undersecretariat of Tourism Planning and Policy ensures that the main states with the highest flow of tourists in this area are: Baja California, Chihuahua, Mexico City, Yucatán, Nuevo León, Tamaulipas, Quintana Roo, Jalisco, San Luis Potosí and Puebla .

Based on the above, Sastré Ibarra mentioned that by 2021 it is expected to exceed the growth seen last year (13%) compared to 2019 in the real estate market, considering it as “a good year” despite the health crisis due to the new Coronavirus.

He gave us an example of the case of Ensenada, where verticality has not been seen for some years and, recently, there is a growing culture for the construction of new buildings. He announced that in the coastal corridor they have reactivated investments in projects that had been stopped for a long time, opening the possibility of market growth this year.

According to the International Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Mexico has a good chance of becoming the leading power in medical tourism. According to Sectur, foreigners enter the country in search of treatments and specialties in Cardiology, cosmetic surgery, ophthalmology, oncology, and dentistry, to name a few. 

Finally, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) points out that Mexico is the tenth country in the world with the highest number of certified doctors with 62.3%, behind the United States (65 percent). (Realestate).


Mexico Daily Post