AMLO thanks Biden for sending vaccines: in return, he will give “friendship” and “cooperation”


So is Mexico’s border closure due to controlling covid or illegal migration to the U.S.?

López Obrador assured that with the delivery of the vaccines by the US, plus the shipments that are being made by the laboratories with which they have agreements, the inoculation against COVID-19 is assured

The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, thanked his American counterpart, Joe Biden, for sending 2,700,000 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine, which, he said, guarantees vaccination in our country, “while emphasizing”

The only thing that our country will give in return is “friendship and cooperation.”

At the beginning of his morning conference, held this Friday from Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, López Obrador emphasized that the delivery of vaccines was an issue that he had been discussing with the president of the neighboring country for almost two months.

“The US government has decided to help us and send 2,700,000 doses of AstraZeneca vaccine, I especially thank President Biden because I discussed this issue for about two months when we had a telephone conversation from Monterrey and I asked him to they will help with doses of vaccines. On that occasion he told me that he was going to analyze whether they could support us, then in the last conversation we had on the phone we returned to discuss the issue and agreed that both US and Mexican officials were going to maintain communication and find the most convenient way so that a response to our request would be given, ”he explained.

The Chief Executive of Mexico celebrated that the issue had been resolved “on good terms for us, for the people of Mexico,” he emphasized.

Archive image.  (Photo: REUTERS / Hannibal Hanschke)

Archive image. (Photo: REUTERS / Hannibal Hanschke)

López Obrador assured that with the delivery of the vaccines by the United States, plus the shipments that are being made by the laboratories with which they have purchase agreements for the biological, the inoculation against COVID-19 is assured.

“With these shipments plus the shipments that are being received from Russia, China … the commitment we have with the pharmaceutical company Pfizer, which has been punctually complying with all these deliveries, will continue to vaccinate. We already have enough vaccines for the national vaccination plan; It is not going to stop and the purpose will be fulfilled, with the goal of having all older adults vaccinated before the end of April, with at least one dose ” , he emphasized.

“We are doing very well, the vaccines continue to arrive and they are already being applied throughout the country, we have already had about 1,000 municipalities where all the elderly have been vaccinated and we are also going to empty teachers, teachers, education workers for the return to face-to-face classes ”, he insisted.

Photos: Presidency of Mexico - Reuters.Photos: Presidency of Mexico – Reuters.

Asked what Mexico will deliver in exchange for the vaccines sent by the US government, López Obrador assured that the only thing our country can give is “friendship and cooperation.”

“Well, what are we going to give in return? What we have always given: friendship and cooperation in all respects. It is very important that we maintain with the US government. We have a very good relationship with the government of President (Donald) Trump, it was thought that conciliation would not be easy and a very good relationship was achieved, one of mutual respect“he said.

“When President Biden took office, our adversaries began to predict that relations were going to be bad, and they have not. We have already talked several times, there is a very good relationship, respect and cooperation and this is a reliable proof. It was raised in January, I remember well because I still did not get COVID, it was a day before I tested positive for COVID. I was in Monterrey and I spoke by phone. The issue that has been important to us for a long time is facing the pandemic (..) I told the president, you have a lot of vaccine production and we need vaccines. I request him as a loan as soon as they arrive ” , he pointed out.

López Obrador stressed that despite the delivery of vaccines by the United States, there is a contract with AstraZeneca that will be delivered in “a medium term.”

“We already have a contract with AstraZeneca for millions of doses but to deliver in the medium term. What is going to be done now? Deliveries are advanced in the same contract with AstraZeneca. It is not an additional contract ”, he clarified.


Mexico Daily Post