Mazatlan Hoteliers ask for a Malecón free of political propaganda


The Tres Islas Hotel Association sent a formal request to the political parties

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- A few days before the political campaigns officially begin, the Tres Islas Hotel Association sent a formal request to the parties asking them not to place electoral propaganda on the Malecón, from the Sinaloa Shield to the Cerritos area.

The president of the organization, José Ramón Manguart Sánchez, said that the purpose is to protect the tourist attractions of the destination, so that tourists can perceive them in their maximum manifestation and that they are not diminished by partisan advertisements.

“The writings were sent to the parties, it is a voluntary and very respectful invitation for the good of Mazatlán, it is time to take bigger steps that allow Mazatlán to continue climbing, it has everything to continue advancing,” he said.

He clarified that, although it is true, the law does not prohibit the installation of propaganda in the tourist area, the candidates and political parties must continue to support the image of this vacation destination as it had been doing until a few years ago.

“It is not an order, it is voluntary and it is requested respectfully. I think it adds to the issue of the image and that the tourist attractions are in their maximum splendor, that is why we ask that advertising not be installed throughout the coastal strip ”, he insisted.

It indicated that the written request was made to the representatives of the political parties in Mazatlán: Carmen Julieta Torres Lizárraga, delegate of the PRI, Jesús Corrales González, of the PAN, América Carrasco Valenzuela, by the PAS, Margarita Domínguez, of Redes Progressive Socials, and Bernardo Osuna Zamora, from Movimiento Ciudadano.

The briefs were delivered on Saturday, so until now there has been no response from the representatives of the different political parties.

Manguart Sánchez


The Mazatlan Post