The president insisted that the reform to the Electricity Industry Law will be applied even if the Magna Carta has to be changed to do so.
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) assured that the reform to the Electricity Industry Law will be applied despite the protections that have been granted against it, and if it is declared unconstitutional, his government will seek to modify the Constitution.
“We are very persistent. What will happen if the Law is declared unconstitutional? The reform to the Constitution is going. That we need two-thirds to approve a constitutional reform? But let the people decide; also, how good that elections are coming, because that is why they are betting that we will not have a majority in the Chamber of Deputies, to continue maintaining privileges, “said the president during his morning conference.
Last Thursday, a federal judge granted a first provisional suspension for the application of the law, while on Tuesday another judge joined the decision and between them they have granted about twenty measures in favor of companies, considering that the reform recently approved in Congress violates the constitutional rights of a clean environment and health.
The law endorsed by Congress at the beginning of the month eliminated the economic criteria for the dispatch of electricity, thus giving priority to hydroelectric and fossil fuel plants of the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) over private renewable and energy plants. combined cycle.
Before the granting of these resources, the president called to investigate the first judge who granted the suspension on March 11, Juan Pablo Gomez Fierro, head of the second court, specialized in economic competition.
In response, the presiding minister of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, Arturo Zaldívar, reported that the president’s complaint was forwarded to the Federal Judicial Council and that, if there are elements, an investigation will be opened to judge Gómez Fierro.