Mazatlan holds a census of expats for Covid-19 vaccination


There are between 8 and 12 thousand foreigners who reside in Mazatlán during this winter season

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- The federal government will include the foreign community that resides in Mazatlán on the national day of the vaccine against Covid-19, reported Astrid Macías Fregoso.

The director of the Tourist Care and Protection Center explained that they will be intermediaries with foreign residents, many already adults, and that, as a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic, they chose to remain in the port and not return to their places. of origin, at least for the moment.

“We are going to be a mediating entity that will be registering this entire community because it is important that the brand of the vaccine that has been applied is the same for the second dose, that is very important information, you cannot mix one brand with the other, we are going to socialize it with the foreign community, “he said.

Macías Fregoso commented that once it is indicated how they would apply this dose, they will make it known to the citizens, but finally, the success is that they will also be included in this national program.

As long as they can verify, present an official identification, and verify that they are residents. For that part, we will be helping them.

Macías Fregoso

The director of Capta does not know the number of foreigners who reside in the port, since it does not have a census, but they have already requested registration from the National Institute of Migration and through the registration, they carry out the application of the vaccine against Covid-19 They will determine the number of Canadians and Americans in the port.

According to information from the Mazatlán Secretary of Economic Development, Tourism, and Fisheries, there are between 8 and 12 thousand foreigners who reside in Mazatlán during this winter season, of which about 6 thousand are Canadians.


The Mazatlan Post