Outstanding Women in the travel industry in Mexico and the world


In this highly competitive world every day there are more women working and fighting for their ideals, a sector where women have become essential for development and have been projected with more participation in the travel industry. Today, March 8, International Women’s Day, at REPORTUR.mx we want to pay tribute to those working women who, in addition to being great professionals, are excellent mothers, wives, daughters, sisters, colleagues, and friends. 

Gloria Guevara, president and CEO of the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC, for its acronym in English), reveals to REPORTUR that no one reaches the position where she is alone, in her particular case he had the support of great people, starting for his parents, who at all times promoted her dreams and projects.

“It is a great honor as a Latina, Hispanic, Mexican, and woman to be the first president and CEO with these characteristics to lead the WTTC. It is also a great responsibility, I have to work twice as much as my predecessors ”.

She points out that her intention is to raise the level of this organization, and that later on, other women, when she retires, have the same opportunity, “because of course, we can do the same as men and, in some cases, better.”

She said that fortunately he has had the support of many people, men, and women, which he values ​​and is infinitely grateful for, and highlights that her career has been full of great challenges and learnings. “Clearly there are great difficulties, and many issues on the table to deal with gender inequality.”

Guevara points out that the travel and tourism sector is one of the most diverse in the world and is made up of 54% women, who enrich this and all sectors nationwide with a lot of talent, effort, creativity, and knowledge. and international. “I am very proud that in the WTTC we have in most of our leadership positions women in office,” she said.

Yarla Covarrubias, commercial director of AMResorts for Mexico and founder of MAPRESA Ingeniería en Servicios, reveals that although she has faced many and great challenges, she can say that they have all been overcome with great satisfaction.

“Only once have I faced a professional dilemma, and that is when my daughter was born I decided to stop working because due to the nature of the position I held in a renowned hotel company, I required time for various trips during the month, and I made the decision to stop working to dedicate myself to my daughter ”, however, she emphasizes that it was nothing negative for her, because soon after she began to advise some companies in the commercial area such as independent hotels, operators, chains, and more Later she decided to formalize her own company together with her husband.

Covarrubias points out that the role of women in the tourism industry is very important both in Mexico and worldwide since women represent 60% of the workforce, mainly in the travel agencies, airlines, and travel industry segments. meetings, among others, where many women hold managerial positions or own companies.

“Women are perceptive, dedicated, committed, and very formal because in many cases behind us are our families who encourage us to perform professionally, responsibly and impeccably,” she said that, even with all this, there is still a long way to go. travel for women to gain ground in managerial positions in the industry, because only 26% worldwide are occupied by women, and it is necessary to break the glass ceiling, so companies have the obligation to build areas of opportunity for women with the remuneration corresponding to the position.

She also highlights that she considers herself a privileged woman with a wonderful family, a profession that she is passionate about, and a lot of energy to keep going. “My interest is to continue doing my job in the best possible way, providing opportunities for new generations to join our sector, transmitting my knowledge and experience to those who require it, as well as continue living unforgettable moments and writing wonderful stories each day and in our industry ”, she says proudly.

Judith Guerra, general director of Consolid México, mentions that in professional life there are always challenges and obstacles that must be faced, in her case having started in the tourism industry at a very young age was a greater challenge, especially because the position that she represented as director of IATA in Mexico, was very important for airlines and travel agencies. She highlights that one of the most important challenges she has faced in her professional life was when she was hired and assured that she was the first woman to hold a managerial position worldwide and therefore would have to demonstrate that she could do it successfully. to make way for women in new managerial positions.

“I am fortunate that I have always liked my job and I am very happy to work, and every day there are challenges, opportunities, and great learning, especially integrity, commitment, accepting challenges, and new changes like the ones we are in today. living, adapting, moving forward and never having a comfort zone ”, highlights the directive.

Likewise, she refers that every day there are always different obstacles to face and tear down. On the personal side, Guerra enjoys and likes very much to live with his family and help people around him, as well as collaborating with his foundation of dogs whom she adores.

Lourdes Berho, President and CEO of Alchemia Communications Group, with more than 30 years in the tourism industry, Berho points out that the women of her generation, professionally speaking, had to open a gap in many of the different industries. “Tourism, as we all know, is a great employer of women at the leadership level and at the global level and of course in Mexico, we still lack opportunities and equity in every sense so that more women can have the leadership of the large consortiums so that they can even show a version more appropriate to what are the trends of the third millennium since we forget that 72% of travel purchases are made by women. I deeply believe that when there are more women in leadership positions at the level of the different tourism consortia, or directly or indirectly, a much more complete vision of what the world expects will be seen,

She points out that the world was not made in her time for leadership positions for women, however, she highlights that she feels very fortunate to have always had the support and trust of those who at the time were her bosses. “I started in the United States managing one of the most important public relations consortiums, keeping the Sectur account with the undersecretary of promotion and development before the CPTM and Fonatur existed, I was less than 30 years old.”

She remembers that later she was working for 15 years with whoever taught him the editorial and marketing part based on tourism, together with American Express. Later, she was the director of the Council for Tourism Promotion of Mexico (CPTM), “I will always thank the Secretary of Tourism Enrique de la Madrid for the great opportunity.”

As a businesswoman, with 10 years of experience with Alchemia Communications Group, she assures that she feels very fortunate, however, access to credit and investors has been a little more difficult, as she points out that the challenge faced by businesswomen for the simple fact of Being a woman is difficult, despite the fact that it is proven that women, in addition to their commitments, meet other challenges and multiply resources – not just financial ones.

“I am excited to see the next generations that we will be working in a world of inclusion, not just gender,” highlights Berho, who maintains among his accounts Brand USA, Grupo Xcaret, City Express Hotels, Thompson Hotels, and Quebec, Canada; among other.

Finally, she shares that she celebrates initiatives such as International Women’s Day to recognize the great inequality gap that we have both in the part of opportunities and leadership that will favor and bring great benefits not only to the industry. “Let’s raise our voices on this day or month, to remember that we are very far from what we would like to achieve as humanity, in this case as Mexico.”

Diana Olivares, general director of Latam Airlines for Mexico, Central America and Cuba. Olivares highlights that the role of women in tourism is extremely important, especially in the aviation part. “Travel agencies have the best in having the feeling of women to prepare everything that travel is, however more women are needed in aviation, so you have to work in the younger generations and tell the girls who can come to fulfill any dream, both in the tourism part, as agencies and hotels. I think we need a lot of gender force and not so much because we are better or worse than men, we are the same with characteristics that complement us, and surely if women do well, families will do well ”.

She pointed out that he is so passionate about what she has done that it took 19 years to reach the position of general management and 17 to commercial management, and she did not feel them, “time flew by and I enjoyed it a lot, I think these opportunities are very few, so I made the most of it ”. She said that the most important thing is to seek balance “for me spiritual balance is important, which I combine with my children and an exercise routine, which I always seek to have to complement them,” she concluded.

Adriana Reyes, general director of Punta del Este. This Uruguayan by birth but Mexican at heart, after working for several years in the hotel industry and aviation, more than 10 years ago she founded Punta del Este, an operator that stands out today for its programs to South America, Central America, and the Caribbean and that this year it expands its programs around the world.

Source: reportur.com

Mexico Daily Post