Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo at 38.9% hotel occupancy


The Guerrero Secretariat of Tourism reported that this first Saturday of yellow COVID19 epidemiological traffic light, Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo, registered an average hotel occupancy of 38.9 percent.

Separately, Ixtapa achieved 42.6 percent and hotels in Zihuatanejo 20.1 percent. Timeshares of the beach binomial registered 17.7 percent.

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Regarding Acapulco, the general average was 35.2 percent, but separately the hotel zone from the Golden Zone 42.1, the Diamond 27.1, and the Traditional 17.4 percent. Regarding the condominiums, the diamond and gold areas, achieved 25 and 26 points, respectively.

The colonial city, Taxco obtained 18.6 percent. In general, Guerrero registered an average occupation of 35.6 percent, according to data from the Sectur.

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Staying at a yellow traffic light requires the participation, responsibility and commitment of all

Covid has not disappeared, it is there and you have to take the necessary care, he says.

• Guerrero remains with 12 points in the epidemiological traffic light and presents a downward trend in the different areas

Acapulco., Gro, March 5, 2021.- During the daily broadcast to publicize the situation of Covid-19 in the entity, the state governor, Héctor Astudillo Flores, insisted that participation, responsibility and commitment are needed for Guerrero to continue positioning himself at the yellow traffic light. This was indicated after the document issued by the federation was released, which reaffirms that the entity continues at that level, with 12 points.

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Accompanied by the head of the Governor’s Office, Alejandro Bravo Abarca and the Secretary of Health, Carlos de la Peña Pintos, the state president pointed out that in this context the indicators such as continue to decline and to maintain that trend it is necessary that the people of Guerrero continue with that commitment to continue walking together in the fight against Covid-19.

“Our score is still 12, same as last week, consequently we follow the yellow traffic light. We are stable, but we have to decrease more, we hope that between now and next week we can decrease a little more. Take good care of yourself, this issue of Covid as I insist and I will not tire of repeating it, it has not disappeared, it is an issue that is there and you have to take the necessary care, “he said and highlighted that of an average of 29 deaths a day, it passed to about 12.5 per day.

The Covid-19 numbers in the entity

In his report this Friday, De la Peña Pintos announced that to date the entity has accumulated 35,792 confirmed cases and 3,702 deaths; There are 118 new cases, maintaining stability in this area. As for active cases, there is a record of 706.

Hospitalization also has a downward trend, such that there are currently 215 patients, of whom 50 are intubated in critical condition. With regard to deaths, in the month of March there is an average of 12.5 per day.

Regarding hospitalization, there is a record of 29 percent, just one point above the national average, which is 28; while in intubated patients, there is an occupancy of 20 percent, below the average, which is 31.

To conclude, De la Peña Pintos said that the vaccination process for Health Sector personnel is continuing and in the near future it will start with the Red Cross, emergency medical technicians, Civil Protection and also in the route of attention of the personnel who works in the private sector.

Source: meganoticias.mx, guerrero.gob.mx

The Guerrero Post