Michoacán, the first state to approve education about menstruation #MenstruaciónDigna


With the reform of the Education Law, education about menstruation will be promoted and free access to menstrual management products will be facilitated in public schools.

The Michoacán Congress approved this Tuesday reforms to the Education Law to guarantee the full exercise of the right to education regarding menstruation and access to menstrual management products in public schools.

“Menstrual education will be promoted and free access to menstrual management products will be provided for girls, women and menstruating people who require it, in public schools belonging to the State Educational System,” they detailed through the statement.

The opinion was presented by the Education Commission, chaired by deputy Antonio Madriz, also a promoter of the initiative, and is made up of Tere Mora and Octavio Ocampo.

“Free menstrual management products are a necessity and a real opportunity to reduce the gender gap that all girls, adolescents and women in our state face,” they point out.

To learn more about the reform:

– The educational authorities must develop and distribute educational material in the various languages ​​of the state territory, to guide students on the issue of menstruation.

– Have the basic hygiene and menstrual health supplies, to avoid school absence, bullying and discrimination.

– In study programs, comprehensive and reproductive sexual education, the responsible exercise of sexuality as well as responsible motherhood and fatherhood, and the prevention of adolescent pregnancies should be highlighted.

– Students will have the right to receive scholarships and suitable products for menstrual management, such as disposable and cloth sanitary napkins, tampons, and menstrual cups.

Source: elfinanciero.com.mx

Michoacan Post