Sectur Guerrero delivers Distinctive “H” to Holiday Inn La Isla Acapulco


In Guerrero, actions continue to be reinforced to offer quality services to visitors in our tourist destinations, and despite the health contingency due to COVID-19, the state government is concerned and busy trying to become a bridge for various alternatives, so that companies offer their quality services, and continue with the economic reactivation.

This Wednesday, March 3, the undersecretary of SECTUR, Efrén Leyva Batani delivered the Distinctive H on behalf of Governor Héctor Astudillo Flores to Holiday INN, La Isla Acapulco, for meeting high standards in food handling.

Leyva Batani expressed his appreciation to the entire team of this important hotel, especially Blanca Diaz, for achieving this distinction that confirms the effort and dedication of each of her collaborators, to improve service and quality, providing confidence to those who visit the beautiful state of Guerrero.

He noted that Guerrero will remain at the forefront with more training, as part of the measures and actions taken by the state government to reinforce actions at the Yellow traffic light and maintain the reactivation of the economy in essential sectors, including tourism.

The Distinctive H is a recognition granted by the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Health, to those food and beverage establishments that fully comply with the hygiene standards established by the Mexican Standard NMX-F605 NORMEX 2004.

Source: La Razon

The Guerrero Post