The national survey of young people is an exercise by Nación321 to take the pulse of the segment that earlier showed its support for AMLO in the 2018 contest, but which today expresses certain doubts. Wait here for other results in the following days: How have you experienced the pandemic? What do you think of the 4T? How worried are you about the future? Will they vote in the next elections? … And more
If you were asked about Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s performance as President, which emoticons would you use … happy, surprised, angry, or sad? Young people responded to a national survey conducted by Nación321.

Using emoticons to respond, 39 percent of young people between 18 and 29 years of age rate AMLO with a happy face, while 30 percent do so with a surprised face. In contrast, 19 percent rate it with an angry face and 9 percent with a sad face.
According to the National Youth Survey 2021, using a more conventional scale, 46 percent of young people believe that the president is doing things well, while 33 percent believe that he is doing them wrong and 21 percent neither good nor bad.
When combining both questions, the happy face is a favorable evaluation and the angry and sad faces are unfavorable, but the surprised face has a bit of everything. For almost 40 percent of those who give a surprised face they do it in a positive sense, 20 percent negative, and the remaining 40 percent is neutral.
Although he has not yet been half his six-year term, the balance of opinion among young people for the first servant of the Nation, Andrés Manuel López Obrador is favorable, we will have to see the details.
Methodology: National survey of young people. It was carried out by telephone to 400 Mexicans between the ages of 18 and 29 on February 19 and 20, 2021. A probabilistic sampling of residential and cell phones was carried out in the 32 states. With a 95% confidence level, the margin of error for the estimates is +/- 4.8 percent. Sponsorship: Nación321 / El Financiero. Realization: Alejandro Moreno.
Source: nacion321.com
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