Mérida improves mobility at intersections of two roundabouts in Montejo


Intervention in roundabouts will facilitate traffic on the bike lane

MÉRIDA, Yucatán.- To contribute to safe mobility, both for pedestrians, cyclists and users of motorized transport, the State Government, in coordination with the Mérida City Council, carries out intervention works at the intersection of the monument to Felipe Carrillo Puerto on Paseo de Montejo, as part of the Ciclovías Infrastructure Plan.

The director of the Institute of Mobility and Territorial Urban Development (Imdut), Aref Karam Espósito, reported that these works will bring multiple benefits, as they will improve traffic flow, order the traffic of all users, reduce crossing times for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists and also the risk of traffic events by providing safety, comfort and clarity for all.

The actions consist of the creation of 500 square meters of landscaped area and almost half a kilometer of painted trimmings and signage

The state official specified that the works will last 10 days, for which in coordination with the Merida City Council and the Ministry of Public Security (SSP) the corresponding provisions were made to affect vehicle circulation in the area as little as possible.

Karam Esposito explained that before starting these works, tests were carried out with cones to ensure the efficiency of the proposed design.

“The road design of two continuous lanes and the integration of the intelligent traffic light system will make mobility in this area more efficient, reduce crossing times for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists and reduce the risk of traffic events”, reiterated the director of the Imdut.

Source: sipse.com

The Yucatan Post