Durango is more attractive for tourism and economic development


Aispuro Torres explained that sidewalks will be expanded, in addition to improving the surface where vehicles circulate, the potable water and drainage pipes will be rehabilitated one hundred percent

Durango is more attractive for tourism and economic development, said Governor José Rosas Aispuro Torres, when starting the semi-pedestrianization of 5 de Febrero Street in the section that includes Hidalgo Street to Constitución; work that will favor the image in the heart of the city and allow a better influx of tourism, commerce and school crossing.

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Aispuro Torres detailed that sidewalks will be expanded, in addition to improving the surface where vehicles circulate, the potable water and drainage pipes will be rehabilitated to one hundred percent, to later connect the section in question with the semi-pedestrianization of Hidalgo Street of 20 de November to Francisco Sarabia, a walk that will give the city a tourist value, he said.

In this tour of works through the first square of the city, the State Executive said that this action is part of the Urban Image Improvement program, which includes a comprehensive rescue of the Historic Center with rehabilitation of facades, underground wiring, expansion of sidewalks, among the main actions.

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Accompanied by the capital’s mayor, Jorge Salum del Palacio, the Governor pointed out that in joint work with the Municipal Administration, a package of works has been deployed in the city, so that citizens have a better quality of life and can live better; actions ranging from home improvements, such as paving, electrification, hydraulic infrastructure, and family life.

The Secretary of Communications and Public Works ( Secope ), Rafael Sarmiento Álvares, explained that this work represents an investment of more than 14 million pesos and is expected to be completed by August of this present, in this section of Constitución street to Hidalgo, where almost 300 linear meters and 1,117 similar meters of tile sidewalk will be transformed. 

Source: heraldodemexico.com.mx

The Durango Post