The undersecretary for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights, Martha Delgado, reported that these doses will be packaged in Querétaro.
This morning, two refrigerated containers with 2 million doses of the CanSinoBio Covid-19 vaccine arrived in Mexico, reported the Undersecretary for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE), Martha Delgado.

Through her Twitter account, the official stated that these doses will be packaged in Querétaro.
She added that this will allow wide sectors of the population to be vaccinated.
¡Buenas noticias!
— Martha Delgado (@marthadelgado) February 11, 2021
Esta madrugada llegaron a nuestro país dos contenedores refrigerados con 2 millones de dosis de la vacuna contra #Covid19 de CanSinoBio, que serán envasadas en Querétaro.
Esto permitirá vacunar a amplios sectores de la población. #MultilateralesResuelve.
Until Wednesday, Feb. 11th, only 724,707 people have been vaccinated in Mexico, of which 622,658 correspond to the first of two doses, and 84,592 are health professionals who have already completed their vaccination process.
Mexico registered more than 126 million inhabitants in its 2020 Census, which means that not even one percent of the population has been vaccinated so far.
Source: El Universal