Mexican politician from MORENA René Bejarano, linked to the Romanian mafia that reigns in Quintana Roo (VIDEO)


According to MILENIO, the federal government’s security cabinet detected a network of politicians from PVEM, PRI, PRD, PT, and Morena Mexican political parties (as well as officials from the Quintana Roo Prosecutor’s Office) who allegedly protect and collaborate with the Romanian mafia led by Florian Tudor, aka El Tiburon, dedicated to cloning tourist bank cards, human trafficking for sexual exploitation purposes and extortion to local businessmen.

Intelligence information obtained by MILENIO indicates that in this protection network were the former PRI governors of Quintana Roo, Félix Arturo González Canto and Roberto Borge, as well as representatives from the Green Party and former PRI and PRD mayors of different Quintana Roo municipalities, including Benito Juárez, whose municipal seat is Cancún.

Also, operators and militants of Morena and the Labor Party presented in a document last October 2020 in the security cabinet, the leader of the National Movement for Hope and former local representative in Mexico City, René Bejarano, stands out as one of Tudor’s main links by the intelligence services.

It is noted that through various collaborators, Bejarano used Morena and even acted under the name of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to scam citizens and businessmen of Cancun, according to the document. According to a confidential map of links and collaborators presented on October 29 at the security cabinet meeting, El Tiburon, also known as Rechinu, managed to weave in 14 states a network of officials and shell companies that, according to information from the FBI and the DEA, allowed it to operate in at least 15 countries.

The center of its operations in Cancun. The presence of politicians from all parties stands out in the Romanian boss’ network of contacts. From the Labor and Morena Party, José Luis Jonathan Yong Mendoza, an aspiring local congressman from Quintana Roo, was identified by Morena and son of José Luis Yong Cruz, whom the authorities link to the trafficking of undocumented Cubans, and a sentimental partner of Silvia Susana González Franco, who worked at the Attorney General’s Office from 2006 to 2011.

In the list of connections the presence of politicians emanating from Mexico’s Partido Verde is notorious, for example, José de la Peña Ruiz de Chávez, current local representative in Quintana Roo for the PVEM (indicated by influence peddling) and Laura Lynn Fernández Peña, municipal president of Puerto Morelos for the Partido Verde.

Likewise, at least two former Cancun mayors are in the crosshairs of the federal authorities. This is the case of the former president of Benito Juárez and federal deputy for Quintana Roo, Roberto Estrada Barba, of the PRI-PVEM-Nueva Alianza alliance, and Greg Sánchez, municipal president between 2008 and 2010, and who, according to MILENIO had access, “is accused by the Argentine government of alleged crimes of money laundering and tax evasion for the cash purchase of a country property near Buenos Aires, valued at two million US dollars.”

Extorsion, Money Laundering, Cyber-Fraud, and Human Trafficking are the main activities of this criminal group

The intelligence file has data provided by the DEA, which warned the Mexican government that the start of operations of the Romanian cells dates from the six-year term of Félix Arturo González Canto, governor of Quintana Roo between 2005 and 2011, who collaborated in the establishment of these criminal groups.  

According to the investigation by MILENIO, the former PRI governor was investigated by the Financial Intelligence Unit of the Ministry of Finance for money laundering and illicit enrichment. During his management, the audit detected a diversion of funds for 20 million pesos. Later, Roberto Borge, a former governor already in prison, gave Tudor protection to continue its operations.


Mexico Daily Post