Hitmen break into a restaurant where a Veracruz attorney and deputy were; bodyguards save them (Video)


The attack occurred on Tuesday afternoon at the restaurant “El Delirio”, located in the municipality of Oluta, south of Veracruz, and was captured by the security cameras of the place.

 The Regional Prosecutor, Marisela Rojas Cisneros, and the Local Deputy for Morena, Florencia Martínez Rivera ate at the restaurant “El Delirio” in southern Veracruz, along with a counselor accompanied them. In the middle of the meal, three hitmen arrived who drew their pistols as soon as they entered the restaurant; However, an escort managed to repel the aggression, with bullets, and make the gunmen flee.

The attack occurred on Tuesday afternoon at the restaurant “El Delirio”, located in the municipality of Oluta, south of Veracruz.

In a video from the surveillance cameras of “El Delirio”, which is already circulating virally on social networks, it is observed how at all times, the Prosecutor’s bodyguard repels only the bullets against the three alleged members of the organized crime. The events occurred in the municipality of Oluta located 360 kilometers from the state capital.

The first hit man fled the place in terror, taking the street, while the other two exchanged bullets with a ministerial police officer assigned as an escort in the care of the Prosecutor, Maricela Rojas.

In the late afternoon of Tuesday, in a video message, the governor of Veracruz, Cuitláhuac García, assured that the attackers have already been identified and that thanks to the intervention of security personnel, all were unharmed.

In his message issued through his social networks, García Jiménez stated that the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) has started an investigation folder.

“It will be thoroughly investigated to find those responsible for the crimes that result, as has been done in all cases. There are already indications that strengthen a single line of investigation and the people involved in the attempt and other accomplices have been identified ”.

He also stressed that no one was injured because a security element prevented the elderly from passing by firing his weapon against the attackers who entered the place.

In November 2019, the local PRI deputy Juan Carlos Molina Palacios was executed by a lone hitman when he arrived at his ranch in the Jamapa municipality. In the last six years, a score of public servants and former public servants have been deprived of their lives in Veracruz at the hands of organized crime.

Source: proceso.com.mx, milenio.com, unotv.com

Veracruz Daily Post