National and international flights continue to arrive in Zihuatanejo


Despite the pandemic, the port on the Costa Grande continues to receive Canadian tourism

The secretary of tourism in Guerrero, Ernesto Rodríguez Escalona, ​​reported that, despite the health emergency caused by Covid-19, international flights continue to reactivate in the destinations of the entity, mainly in Zihuatanejo.

The state official pointed out that this weekend the Calgary – Zihuatanejo flight of the West Jet airline arrived at the destinations of the Costa Grande, which arrived from said city located in Canada.

“We had the arrival of this international flight to which we gave a coordinated welcome, with this the reactivation of flights to Guerrero for the main tourist destinations such as Acapulco and Zihuatanejo is maintained,” he said.

Rodríguez Escalona ​​pointed out that, at the airport, the protocols are strictly maintained to avoid more infections of coronavirus, therefore they invite all vacationers to comply with the measures of the use of face masks, respect the healthy distance and wash their hands properly constant.

He pointed out that, throughout the year, more flights will arrive at the various destinations in Guerrero, especially as vaccination against Covid-19 advances throughout the world and in Mexico, then the tourist reactivation will begin little by little.


The Guerrero Post