SHCP to recover beaches in Quintana Roo


Cancun, QR. The Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP) included in its portfolio of investment projects for 2021 the pre-investment studies for the recovery of beaches in the Riviera Maya, in the section that goes from Punta Bete to Punta Maroma.

In the description of the project, it is mentioned that its objective is to “determine the socioeconomic and environmental feasibility of the recovery of the 9.2 km beachfront in Punta Bete-Punta Maroma, municipality of Solidaridad, which includes beach monitoring, field studies, environmental, coastal engineering, executive project, permit management, and cost-benefit analysis.

The cost of the studies is 17,418,853 pesos, which will be provided in full by the SHCP.

In fact, this project, along with three other beach recovery projects in Quintana Roo, has been on the Proyectos México website since 2015, waiting for resources to be carried out, with an estimated cost of 760 million pesos, according to projections. of the Ministry of Tourism as the promoter of the work.

Hacienda busca la recuperación de playas en Quintana Roo

The works consist of extracting, with self-propelled dredgers, sand from an environmentally authorized marine bank for its subsequent dumping in the coastal area of ​​the Riviera Maya. The objective is to create sufficient beach widths to preserve the Federal Maritime Terrestrial Zone and protect the existing infrastructure.

The project considers a length of 9.2 kilometers, as well as the filling of two pits detected during the characterization of the site. A total of 2.5 million cubic meters of sand will be dumped and it is planned to build a 125-meter-long support structure based on concrete cubes, whose main function will be to keep the beach widths stable, according to the description of the Mexico Projects platform.

Gobierno Federal Llevará a cabo Recuperación de Playas

SHCP’s portfolio of investment projects lists three other pre-feasibility studies for beach recovery for 2019 and 2014 in Cancun and Cozumel, but for this year it has only included the one corresponding to the Riviera Maya area.

According to data from The Nature Conservancy, 50% of the beaches in Quintana Roo have deteriorated and 25% of these no longer have a recovery, mainly those in the north.


The Cancun Post