Doctors from Chiapas, Durango, and Veracruz arrived in CDMX to reinforce the fight against COVID-19


More than 600 health workers have joined the call from the authorities since December 2020 in “Operation Chapultepec”.

Medical and nursing personnel from Chiapas, Durango, and Veracruz traveled to Mexico City to reinforce Operation Chapultepec, promoted by the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) to guarantee care for patients with COVID-19.

On Friday, January 8, 2021, a total of 27 health workers arrived representing South Veracruz, 19 from the state of Chiapas, and a contingent of 13 workers from the Durango nursing area, to support the health emergency for COVID-19 in hospitals in Mexico City and the Metropolitan Area of ​​the Valley of Mexico.

Operation Chapultepec was requested by the general director of the IMSS, Zoé Robledo, so that health personnel from the rest of the country who were in conditions could go to reinforce the COVID Response Teams.

In December medical personnel began to move from almost all the states of the country where the rate of infections by COVID-19 and hospital occupancy is less than 50 percent. Since then more than 600 health workers have joined the call of the general director of IMSS.

The general director of the IMSS reported in mid-December 2020 that more than 600 doctors and nurses in the country will join Operation Chapultepec to support their colleagues in the “last milestone” of the pandemic in Mexico City, State of Mexico, and Baja California.

“Operation Chapultepec for us is a call to the solidarity of our staff, particularly doctors and nurses to help us in the places where we need it most,” said the head of the IMSS during the morning conference of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

The official added that those who voluntarily joined Operation Chapultepec will be given institutional incentives such as COVID Commission, COVID Guard, and Notes of Merit.

The general director of the IMSS pointed out that the medical and nursing personnel come from various states that have a hospital occupancy of less than 80 percent, and assured that at no time will medical care be neglected in those regions.

“The gesture they are having to leave their states, many of them could say: well, in my place the pandemic has a diminishing situation and perhaps they do not have the levels of intensity that are experienced in hospitals at the moment, and they are coming to that, to help, getting away from their families ”, he commented.

The head of Social Security explained that Operation Chapultepec takes its name derived from a historical event, where on December 4, 1914, Emiliano Zapata and Pancho Villa met in Mexico City to consolidate the alliance between the Liberation Army of the South. and the Northern Division.

At the end of December 2020, the second day of vaccination against coronavirus began prioritizing the application of the antidote to the medical personnel of Operation Chapultepec.


Mexico Daily Post