Marine animals play a fundamental role in the Yucatan ecosystem


As part of the “Blue Flag” activities carried out by the Progreso City Council to promote environmental education among the inhabitants, the Tourism Directorate shared information on the importance of marine animals in Progreso, especially turtles, dolphins, crocodiles, and flamingos; species with the highest sightings in the port.

Progreso, Yucatán (December 30, 2020).- As every month, the Progreso City Council, through the Department of Tourism and Commerce, offers virtual talks focused on transmitting information on environmental issues, this as part of the “Blue Flag “, And yesterday Tuesday was no exception to delve into” the importance of marine animals in Progreso. “

This topic was led by the marine biologist Juan Lara Rodríguez, head of CETMAR Progreso’s Tortuguero camp, followed by the young Dafne de la Luz Aranda Baltazar and Sergio Francisco Saldaña Angulo, who explained to the participants the importance of knowing and caring for the species that live in the sea, particularly turtles, dolphins, crocodiles, and flamingos; animals that are regularly seen by the locals.

The welcome was in charge of the deputy director of Tourism, Commerce and Microcredits, María José Ongay Esquivel who, once again, thanked the specialist for his collaboration so that this, like the previous talks, is provided with clear and entertaining information, so that citizens reflect on environmental issues.

In this sense, Lara Rodríguez explained the general characteristics, functions, ecological importance, threats, causes of death, as well as what to do in case of finding any of the four aforementioned species, highlighting that the main thing is to report the sighting to the authorities and avoid touch or approach.

“On many occasions, people want to help the animals, but they do not know if the dolphin or the turtle are sick, so the ideal thing is to contact the Ecological Police or the Subdirectorate of Ecology, with both agencies we work in coordination to attend any sighting, ”said the specialist.

And it is that as is known, the Progreso sea is a great biological corridor where mostly migratory species parade, as well as the coastal lagoons, such as those of the port of Chelem, so it is common to see turtles, dolphins, crocodiles and flamingos .

Therefore, the specialists invited the participants to share the information with the rest of the population, to participate in the activities carried out by the Progreso City Council, as well as the Tortuguero camp in order to create awareness and respect the environment.

Finally, Ongay Esquivel thanked the participants for the follow-up they give to the videoconferences, and reiterated that the agency will continue with activities focused on environmental education, “we will continue with these talks and other dynamics, not only to maintain the criteria of double Blue Flag certification but also because it is an assignment that the mayor has given us in order to involve the inhabitants and generate more changes in favor of our environment ”.

Source: Senderos del Mayab

The Yucatan Post