Drunk tourist climbs Chichen Itza branded the first #ladyKukulkan of 2021 (video)


Barely three days of 2021 and a new lady appeared

The woman who was already baptized as # LadyKukulcán came down slowly from the pyramid and before the gaze of several people, the anger and boos she was subjected to for going up without permission, she declared that she did so because she fulfilled her husband’s last will and it was that his ashes were thrown from the top of the monument.

The INAH reported that at 1:40 p.m. on January 3, the security protocols were activated in the archaeological zone after the presence of the woman and for violating the Federal Law on Monuments and Archaeological, Artistic and Historical Zones and therefore You can be credited with a sentence of two to 12 years in prison and a fine of 100 to 150 thousand pesos .

For his part, the lawyer José Arturo Chab Cárdenas, head of the INAH’s Legal Department in Yucatán , pointed out “that since Sunday the administrative file No. CINAH / YUC / JUR / 01-2021 was opened and therefore the likely responsible ”.

The first inquiries indicate that the female person is originally from Tijuana, Baja California , and arrived in Chichén Itzá, through a tourist agency.

The INAH was also informed that the woman had her abilities diminished due to the effects of alcohol.

It has been more than 10 years since the authorities prohibited access to the Pyramid of Kukulcán to avoid damage to the place and as well as the accidents that may be generated.

Likewise, some came across the video or hashtag last Sunday but for those who were not aware of their social media in these couple of days of vacation, there is the story of # LadyKukulkán, whose protagonist is already investigated by the National Institute of Anthropology and History ( INAH ).

Just on January 3 of this just 2021 a video was released featuring a woman in the temple dedicated to the god Kukulkán (Feathered Serpent). And then her presence caused surprise among tourists and watchmen of this archaeological zone since, to begin with, it is not allowed to go up to the Castle – the name that the Spanish gave to the temple – and second: the woman managed to climb to the top.

This video went viral and its protagonist became a lady, as she was under the so-called “intoxicating effects”, according to INAH.

In a statement shared with the Yucatan media, the National Institute of Anthropology and History explained that the woman, supposedly originally from Baja California, tried to sneak into this temple without authorization. And she did it by one of the side stairs.

In fact, there are a couple of videos that show how the woman with all her efforts climbed the 91 stairs of this pyramid, only to scatter the remains of her husband – well, at least this was the version that El Universal gave and that still does. more unusual is this anecdote where the tourist put her life at risk because you have to see how difficult it is to go up the Castle and even more in a supposed state of drunkenness.


Photo: @Lizhueertas.

What did the INAH say? Once # LadyKukulkán returned safely to land, the woman was approached by the surveillance team, and later the Institute opened an administrative file for violation of the Federal Law on Monuments and Archaeological, Artistic and Historical Zones against those allegedly responsible for this story.

To end this story, the woman went up and down the temple dedicated to Kukulkán before the astonished gaze of a lot of people who took advantage of the opening of this archaeological zone under the Orange Traffic Light – the color of the epidemiological traffic light in Yucatán and the reason why that there are restrictions to prevent coronavirus infections, such as the simultaneous capacity of three thousand people in this emblematic site not only of the municipality of Tinum, Yucatán, but of all of Mexico.

What does the law say?

In article 52 of this law it was stated that “whoever damages, alters or destroys an archaeological, artistic or historical monument by any means, will be imprisoned from three to ten years and a fine up to the value of the damage caused.

“When the damage is not intentional, the provisions of the chapter on the application of sanctions to culpable crimes of the Federal Criminal Code will be followed.”

And, in article 55 it was established that “any infringement of this Law or its Regulations, which is not provided for in this chapter, will be sanctioned by the competent institutes, with a fine of two hundred to one thousand days of the general minimum wage in force for the Federal District , which may be challenged by means of the appeal for review provided for in the Federal Law of Administrative Procedure ”.

In its social networks, the INAH has not issued any official position, only the plan of return and incorporation into the New Normal to reestablish the operation of the Institute and “the preservation of cultural heritage, according to the conditions dictated by the authorities.”


The Chichén Itzá archaeological zone is world famous for the play of light and shadow that occurs on each equinox on the steps of the pyramidal base known as the Castle. In this, the Sun, as it rises over the horizon, illuminates the western rafter of the basement, creating triangles of light and shadow that seem to descend to the serpent’s head in the rudeness of the railing “. Photo: INAH.

Source: unotv.com, eluniversal.com.mx

The Yucatan Post