Mazatlan closed 2020 with good real estate infrastructure and planning


This year the construction of prefabricated houses is contemplated, which is something new and new for the city

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- The director of Planning and Urban Development of the Mazatlán City Council, Jorge Estavillo Kelly, said that this 2020 the port closes with the benefit of the construction of subdivisions, tall towers, and hotels, which generates a good economic spill.

“Only in the month of November and December 2 subdivisions were already approved in the plenary session of the Cabildo and there are about 7 that are currently in progress,” he explained.

He said that this generates a good economic spill for Mazatlan and that it will be reflected from this 2021, in addition to being applauded why it occurs in the middle of a pandemic.

“That gives me great satisfaction as director of Urban Development. Thank God something different is happening unlike the rest of the country,” he said.

Estavillo Kelly announced that for this year that has just begun, the construction of prefabricated houses is planned, which is something new and new for the city and that is friendly to the environment.

“A couple of weeks ago I attended to some Colombian businessmen who intend to build a factory to build pre-manufactured houses, which is something new and friendly to the environment,” he reported.

The local official said that this means that now from Mazatlán they will be able to distribute to different parts of the world, houses made from a laboratory.

He stressed that there is still no date for the start-up of said factory, but it will be fast, since investors are speeding up the procedures to start as soon as possible.


The Mazatlan Post