Viva Aerobus launches new Mérida-Havana route


MÉRIDA, YUCATAN (December 20, 2020).- “We have a new route with Havana “, expressed the State Secretary of Tourism, Michelle Fridman Hirsch, when she welcomed the inaugural flight from Havana-Mérida of the Viva Aerobús Mexican air carrier.

With this flight, the airline will link both cities twice a week: on Wednesdays and Saturdays. The airline will operate the route with an Airbus A320 aircraft with capacity for 186 passengers, reported Walfred Castro Novelo, director of corporate communication for Viva Aerobús, during the welcome that was also attended by Óscar Carrillo Maldonado, administrator of the Mérida international airport.

The tourism official indicated the route Havana already existed, but it was operated by another airline. ” Viva Aerobús did something extraordinarily well, which is to take advantage of that route that is really very important.”


The Yucatan Post