Oaxaca cancels the Night of Radishes and other public events due to COVID-19


Authorities ordered the suspension of any authorization for public events throughout the municipal territory, “privileging the right to health in a particular way during the Christmas season”.

This year Oaxaca will not have the traditional Night of Radishes, which has been celebrated since 1897, as a popular festival that brings together gardeners and flower growers who exhibit their designs made with radish, immortal flower, and totomoxtle. Year after year thousands of people gets together in the capital’s zócalo. This traditional festival has been canceled due to the sanitary risk represented by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The City Council of Oaxaca de Juárez unanimously approved this initiative presented by the mayor Oswaldo García Jarquín, who orders the suspension of the authorization for public events throughout the municipal territory during the Christmas season.

With this determination, events such as calendas, processions, tours, contests, artistic and cultural presentations, exhibitions, gastronomic shows, and in general, “all those that represent and constitute acts that violate the right to protection of health”.

The suspension of permits for the installation of festivals, festivities, seasonal flea markets for the Christmas season and, in general, all commercial activity carried out on public roads, “as well as all those activities that do not require authorization or permission, but its realization generates the agglomeration of people that put at risk the public health ”.

The State Government, the Department of Public Safety, the Secretary of Roads and Citizen Protection, the Municipal Services, as well as the Executive Coordination of the Food Market, will have to carry out the necessary actions, according to the extent of their attributions, to comply to this determination.

Source: eluniversal.com.mx

The Oaxaca Post