Cannabis producers in Sinaloa, the new entrepreneurs?


Sinaloa peasants may have a license to grow marijuana

The Sinaloan professor in political-social sciences, Pedro Brito Osuna, highlighted that one of the possibilities in the approval of the recreational and medicinal use of marijuana by the Senate of the Republic is that an area of ​​organized crime to become legit entrepreneurs.

Regarding the activity of organized crime, he pointed out that they not only work to distribute cannabis, but also proliferate thanks to the activity of other illegal functions, such is the case of the distribution of drugs such as fentanyl, cocaine, meth, or extortion, trafficking in women or kidnapping

The production of marijuana in Sinaloa is the engine that drives the economy in the Sierra de los Altos, known as the golden triangle, where most of the Campesinos are dedicated to planting drugs to sell to the cartels.

According to Brito Osuna, the commercialization problems arise as a result of the industrialization of this partially legal product, since Sinaloa has a reputation of being an international producer of cannabis, and under this line, he commented that it is inevitable to wonder if the producers “will become entrepreneurs.”

Campesinos de Sinaloa podrían tener licencia para sembrar marihuana
Sinaloa campesinos may have a license to grow marijuana

“I wonder, for example, if Sinaloa has a reputation for being a producer of marijuana for many years, will marijuana producers in Sinaloa become entrepreneurs?”, Explained the professor.

He mentioned that this legality now admits the carriage of 28 legal grams of the cannabinoid, however, Brito Osuna questioned that when entrepreneurs are restricted in industrializing it, “who will be in charge of supplying this cannabis to consumers?”

“The problem is that if there is a significant amount of people who consume 28 grams a day, who is going to supply them? Or do they have to produce it themselves? Because if it were industrial production, then you would say: ‘well, effectively the Entrepreneurs could produce so that the packages were up to 28 grams, but since it is forbidden to sell a lot of marijuana, that can be a limitation, it is something that has to do with how the market can prepare to do so if it is going to do so on the basis of an open permissive model or a more artisan and restrictive model ”, he questioned.

Regarding the activity of organized crime, he pointed out that they not only work to distribute cannabis, but also proliferate thanks to the activity of other illegal functions, such is the case of the distribution of drugs such as fentanyl, cocaine, meth, or extortion, trafficking in women or kidnappings, as there is the possibility that in the marijuana market, organized crime will become a businessman.

“Organized crime does not handle one item, it handles many items, in such a way that drugs such as cocaine, fentanyl, glass, all drugs that are not marijuana, will continue to be illegal drugs, therefore it does not mean that the organized crime will run out of business… if marijuana is legal, perhaps a part of organized crime will become entrepreneurs, strictly only the legal marijuana market would come out of the illegal market ”.

With the approval of the Senate of the Federal Law for the Regulation of Cannabis in Mexico, which is now in the Chamber of Deputies, progress is being made in the country towards the decriminalization of the consumption and trade of this plant, for which the Senator of Morena Imelda Castro Castro indicated that with the regulation, the workers of the mountains will have licenses to market and export this plant.

“Now the Campesinos of the sierra will be able to obtain licenses. Congratulations to all the peoples who have been criminalized, justice has arrived for them. Enough of criminalizing the workers of the sierra. Never again an Operation Condor in Sinaloa ! ”

Castro Castro indicated that the new federal law aims to do justice to the peoples who have been criminalized for producing this type of plant.

The Senate approved the bill with 82 votes in favor, 18 against and 7 abstentions. Until now, the project establishes the regulation of recreational use, as well as its planting.

Sinaloa What is Operation Condor?

Operation Condor was a campaign against drug trafficking that took place in the seventies and eighties in the states of the Ninth Military Zone of Mexico, with which it was intended to destroy marijuana plantations in around 70 thousand square kilometers in Sinaloa.

However, Brito Osuna questioned “There the issue ends in the sense that for so many years of prohibition, instead of the problem being solved, it becomes complicated and finally the State will have to admit that it was wrong,” he concluded.


The Mazatlan Post