Registering your spouse or partner in IMSS is possible, we’ll tell you how


You can do it online or in person, as long as you meet these requirements and steps to follow

The way couples have modified their personal relationships has changed a lot over the years. For example, before it was customary for only the man to work and in this way, the wife or partner was registered with the IMSS to have the right to medical care, a widow’s pension, and other services. However, now many women contribute to the IMSS and the husband or partner does not always have this benefit, it may be because he is unemployed or has a condition that prevents him from working.

For these cases, you should know that a woman can also register her partner to receive these benefits. The way you can do it is online or in-person, and here we will tell you the requirements and steps to carry it out.

If you register your partner, you can have medical benefits and the right to a pension in case you are absent.

First of all, you have to know that you can register your partner with the Mexican Social Security Institute, whether or not they are legally married. If you live together, the IMSS considers your relationship as a common-law partner, and therefore you have the right to request the provision of the services it offers.

Just like when it comes to children or parents, there are some requirements that you must meet. Each beneficiary that you register is assigned a key or modality to identify the type of relationship they have with the worker, in this case:

  • Modality A. Spouse
  • Modality D. Concubine (river)

What are the requirements to register your partner in the IMSS, in person

  • Unique Population Registry Code (CURP), in original
  • Data of the applicant or original legal representative
  • Valid official identification 
  • Document showing the Original Social Security Number (SSN)
  • Certified copy of the Marriage Certificate between the insured (a) or pensioner (a) and the beneficiary (or) to be registered, in original. 
  • In the case of a common-law relationship, a probative document is not required. But when registering in person, the worker who is listed in the IMSS must come with the birth certificate of the person to be affiliated. 
  • Child-sized photograph in black and white or Original color
  • Proof of address

To complete the procedure in person, you must go to the Family Medicine Units (UMF) of the Institute, which works in the morning shift from 08:00 to 14:00. There are others where they serve the public in both shifts, from 08:00 to 19:30, Monday through Friday on business days.

What are the requirements for the process virtually

If you want to register from your home, this is what you need to have on hand:

  • CURP of the worker
  • CURP of your beneficiary
  • Personal email, it is important that it is an account that you use regularly because they will send you important information.
  • Advanced Electronic Signature (FIEL)

Once you have these data, you must enter your account in the IMSS Virtual Desk and follow the steps that will indicate you to have the registration, if you still do not have an account, you must open one.

To open your account in the virtual Desktop, you will need your CURP and the files of your Advanced Electronic Signature. When the IMSS verifies that the information is valid, you will have to read and ACCEPT in the ‘Letter of terms and conditions’ so that you can use the Advanced Electronic Signature in the procedures that are made before the IMSS.

Remember that registering your spouse or partner is important for many subsequent procedures. For example, when the death of the worker occurs, this is essential for the process of applying for a pension. In addition, to have the right to medical attention, either in the office or through surgeries when it comes to more delicate illnesses or accidents. 

As of 1st. January, Insabi offers free and unrestricted healthcare

Logo of the Ministry of Health.

It should be remembered that INSABI begins its functions on January 1, 2020, as a decentralized body of the Ministry of Health, and the services it will offer will be under the criteria of universality, equality, and inclusion.

Beneficiaries must only present a credential from the INE, CURP, or birth certificate.

With the entry into operation of the Health Institute for Well-being (Insabi), people without social security will receive free medical care and medicines without restrictions, since they will no longer need to enroll or pay fees.

As part of the actions to transform the public health system that the federal government implements to guarantee free medical care and medicines to the entire population, as of January 1, 2020, Insabi beneficiaries will only have to present their INE credential, the Unique Population Registry Code (CURP) or your birth certificate to receive public health services.

Therefore, they will no longer need to go to a module, enroll and receive a policy; Nor will they have to pay annual fees to be cared for in the medical units as was the case before.

Those who have an affiliation policy will no longer need to present it because that document will be without effect as of January 1, since the care will be offered without restrictions.

Article 77 bis 7 of the General Health Law, whose recent amendment was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on November 29, specifies that to receive the free provision of health services, medicines, and other supplies, only three requirements.

The first is to be in national territory. Second, not be a beneficiary in IMSS or Issste; and the third, present the CURP, which can be found on the INE’s credential or, where appropriate, carry a birth certificate or certificate.

It should be remembered that INSABI begins its functions on January 1, 2020, as a decentralized body of the Ministry of Health, and the services it will offer will be under the criteria of universality, equality, and inclusion.


Mexico Daily Post