Maderas del Carmen, Coahuila: A true natural paradise


Discover Maderas del Carmen, Coahuila, an extraordinary natural reserve that is home to a great diversity of species.

Maderas del CarmenĀ gives the impression of being a true paradise.Ā It is located between the municipalities ofĀ MĆŗzquiz, Ocampo and Villa AcuƱa in Coahuila and, thanks to its natural wealth, it has become a fundamental site for the preservation of flora and fauna.

For this reason, on November 7, 1994, it was declared aĀ Maderas del Carmen Flora and Fauna Protection Area, which covers 208 hectares that surround the Sierra del Carmen.Ā In addition, in 2006, UNESCO recognized it as a Biosphere Reserve.

What to do in Maderas del Carmen?

Being a reserve, it does not have many services.Ā Still, itĀ is possible to go on excursions, hikes, camping, cave painting tracking, among other ecotourism activities.Ā It is also the perfect place for landscape and nature photography.

Maderas is also a significant migration route corridor.Ā Thanks to this, we can find a great variety of birds as well as the mythicalĀ monarch butterfly.

Maderas del Carmen, Coahuila
Flickr / Alan CresslerĀ Maderas del Carmen, Coahuila

What is the flora and fauna of Maderas del Carmen?

According to aĀ reportĀ by the National Commission of Protected Areas (CONANP),Ā some of the species that comprise the Maderas region are


  • Mesquite (Ā Prosopis glandulosaĀ )
  • Sotol (Ā Dasylirion leiophyllumĀ )
  • Gobernadora (Ā Larrea tridentataĀ )
  • Candelilla (Ā Euphorbia antisyphiliticaĀ )
  • Huizache (Ā Acacia constricta var. FarnesianaĀ )
  • SangregadoĀ (Ā Jatropha dioicaĀ )
Mezquite of Maderas del Carmen
Wikipedia / Don AW CarlsonĀ Mezquite from Maderas del Carmen


  • Black bearĀ (Ā Ursus americanusĀ )
  • Peregrine Falcon (Ā Falco peregrinusĀ )
  • Wild TurkeyĀ (Ā Meleagris gallopavo intermediaĀ )
  • Puma (Ā Puma concolorĀ )
  • Lynx (Ā Lynx rufusĀ )
  • Coyote (Ā Canis latrans peninsulaeĀ )
  • NorthernĀ roadrunnerĀ (Ā Geococcyx californianusĀ )
  • Golden EagleĀ (Ā Aquila chrysaetosĀ )
Golden Eagle
Jorge de la MadridĀ Golden Eagle

Endemic species

  • WaterfallĀ FrogĀ (Ā Rana pustulosaĀ )
  • Sheep grass (Ā Gaillardia gypsophilaĀ )
  • Mouse tail (Ā Muhlenbergia emersleyiĀ )
  • Barred scaly lizard (Ā Sceloporus torquatusĀ )
  • Spiny Smooth Helmeted Turtle (Ā Apalone spiniferaĀ )
  • EasternĀ Mountain ParakeetĀ (Ā Rhynchopsitta terrisiĀ )

How to get to Maderas del Carmen?

Source: Mexico Desconocido

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