Up to 6 years in prison for zoophilia, videotaping it and making it public in Coahuila


They assure that after past reforms, there were crimes that were no longer classified

Subject abuses his dog and then kills her; settlers ask to leave him in jail

Arteaga, Coahuila., June 13, 2020.- A group of people demonstrated outside the Arteaga municipal police headquarters to demand that the subject who beat a French poodle dog to the death be not released. I also attacked sexually.

The events occurred in a house on Holland Street, in the City Hall neighborhood last Saturday where they arrested in flagrant the man who gave a severe beating to his pet who was later found lifeless in one of the rooms.

The sexual pervert accused of committing zoophilia with the dog he later murdered is Octavio Cerecero.

Until now it is only known that, at the time of apprehending him, he had the dog tied by the neck.

This individual was consigned to the Public Ministry accused of animal abuse where the folder is integrated to be turned over before a judge

Hasta 6 años de cárcel por zoofilia, videograbarla y hacerla pública en Coahuila

Saltillo, Coahuila.- It was approved to classify zoophilia as a crime in the State Penal Code with up to 6 years in prison for those who practice it, but also increases the penalty if this action or another that involves animal cruelty, is photographed, videotaped, and disseminated publicly.

Deputy Andrés Loya is the author of the opinion that was approved by Congress to reform article 261 of the Penal Code of Coahuila, which only sanctioned cruelty against animals with six months to two years in prison, increasing the penalty to double only if the animal died.

The legislator regretted that after past reforms, there were crimes that were no longer classified, among them that of zoophilia or sexual relations of humans with animals, which also constitutes violence and cruelty.

“In recent years, aggression against animals in our entity has become more constant, also alarmingly worsening the cruelty applied,” said the deputy, who recalled cases of killing dogs, killing cats, mistreatment, and even rape of dogs.

That is why he managed to get Congress to approve the imposition of “two to six years in prison and seven hundred days of fine, when zoophilia has been practiced or caused the animal the loss or uselessness of a sense, organ or main member or dies as a result of the acts of cruelty ”.

It was also added that “the same penalties will be imposed when, in addition to performing acts of abuse or cruelty against any animal, the active subject takes photographs or videotapes of them to make them public or they are taken in the presence of a minor.”

And finally, it was approved in the Code that the same penalty of six years in prison will be imposed on whoever helps to commit this type of crime.

Source: zocalo.com.mx, democratacoahuila.com

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