For every Oxxo open, 5 local stores go bankrupt in San Cristóbal de las Casas


During 20 years the refreshment plant extracted around 10 billion liters of water, equivalent to 4 thousand Olympic swimming pools.

In addition to the potholes that exist throughout the central area of ​​San Cristóbal de las Casas, violence, femicides, problems related to the lack of water, the illegal invasion of wetlands and prohibited lands, as well as mines destroying the mountains, corruption, vehicle theft, drug trafficking, destruction of forests and biodiversity, polluted rivers, this Magic Town “Pueblo Magico” is also distinguished by the 33 stores of the Oxxo chain that it houses.


In an analysis of the “Escaramujos” collection carried out by Gustavo Castro Soto, an environmentalist from Otros Mundos AC, he pointed out that these commercial stores mainly sell soft drinks from the FEMSA-Coca Cola company, as well as junk food from the company, so with their competition, they eliminate many of the traditional stores in the city’s neighborhoods and neighborhoods, which has led to a monopolization of the grocery sales market.

No hay Oxxo en San Cristóbal de las Casas como dice Polo T… | Flickr

He also mentioned that the Mexican Economic Development SAB de CV, the full name of the corporation, in addition to being the owner of the Oxxo stores, is at the same time the owner of Coca Cola products, and therefore, they obtain the highest volume of sales when operating in the Philippines and Latin American countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama, Colombia, Mexico, Uruguay, and Venezuela.

According to the data collected by the analyst, he points out that in 2014 there were 622 thousand grocery stores in the country according to the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), despite the fact that they serve more than 100 million people, and that They represent 50% of the distribution sector, they are disappearing with the aggressive installation of Oxxos throughout Mexico.

 It is also estimated that for every Oxxo that opens, at least 5 nearby stores end up bankrupt and close. Every 8 hours that a new Oxxo store opens in the country, it eliminates its competition and captures the money that no longer goes to families, but to the most powerful transnational that brings greater profits to The Coca Cola Company, said Castro Soto.

In the same way, it maintains that a grocery store earns on average one peso from the sale of the Coca Cola family soft drinks, not counting the taxes it pays, which helps the company save thousands of pesos on-premises rental and electric power, in addition to generating more publicity if the store refrigerators are facing the street, so that being more expensive in an Oxxo, FEMSA’s profits are much higher.

In this way, he explained that the corporation is committed to the highest profits by inserting the Oxxo stores in all neighborhoods and neighborhoods, as well as in gas stations in order to attract all these customers that it has snatched from groceries and small stores.

Pago de servicios

In addition, it points out that there are Oxxo stores in more than 50 magical towns “Pueblo Magicos”, where in addition to making purchases, you can pay for more than 5,000 services such as electricity, water, telephone, television, property, fines, tenures, bus tickets, movie tickets , even birth and marriage certificates in some cities

The Oxxos stores distribute products from the American transnational Colgate-Palmolive and have 25 own brands. Oxxo is the third-largest supermarket chain with the most sales in Mexico and the seventh-largest commercial chain in sales in Latin America. (…) Oxxo’s sales represent more than 40% of FEMSA’s annual income. For Interbrand, it is the third most valuable brand in the country, after Corona and Telcel beer, the environmentalist highlighted.

In this sense, he mentions that with the Law of Oaxaca, Tabasco, and those that are prepared in other states such as Chihuahua, Mexico City, Tamaulipas, Colima, and Chiapas to prohibit the sale of soft drinks and junk foods to minors together with the collection of signatures the entity to demand the expulsion of said company from that municipality Coca Cola-FEMSA has seen, as on few occasions, its profits strongly threatened and has launched an aggressive and ridiculous advertising, visual and media campaign.

Added to this are the marches and social mobilizations, the recent appearance of the documentary “El Susto”, the request of the San Cristóbal de las Casas Syndic to CONAGUA to withdraw the water extraction concession, and the mandatory start to As of October 1, 2020, the new labeling of products that contain excess sugars, calories, saturated fats, sodium, trans fats (unsaturated fatty acids), which increases its discredit although so does its image is part of the urban and rural landscape in all the country.

San Cristóbal de los OXXOs - Gaby Coutiño | Noticias

He adds that Mexico is one of the main consumers of soft drinks, especially Coca Cola but also other of its brands such as Ciel, Sprite, Fanta, Power Ade, Delawer Punch, Ades, Del Valle, Monster Emergy, FuzeTea, Yas, Sidral Mundet and Santa Clara milk, so it is no coincidence that there are the highest rates of the epidemic of obesity, overweight, and diabetes that worsens in the child population.

It also stands out that the consumption of water by the Coca Cola bottlers is abysmal since in San Cristóbal the FEMSA plant consumes 200 liters for each liter of soft drink; 1.3 million liters is what it extracts from the subsoil, which is equivalent to the daily consumption of 13 thousand people; or the equivalent of 2,888 water tanks with a capacity of 450 liters of water.

The Oxxos pandemic and junk food consumerism has generated a pandemic, which means the contagion of two or more pandemics as a domino effect, which are causal to each other, interact and appear sequentially. Thus, the addiction to Coca Cola, the lack of availability of water, the low prices of soft drinks in indigenous areas of Chiapas, diabetes, the accessibility to junk food and the food crisis accompanied by the collapse of local production systems They are diseases that are linked, spread and spread, emphasized Castro Soto.

He also mentioned that Chiapas is the worst example of what not to do, where the company attacks indigenous culture, it is allowed to enter all educational establishments, public buildings and even hospitals with their refrigerators for sale from his cold sodas whose energy he doesn’t even pay for, where he finances sporting events to official oral health campaigns, where children are fed Coca Cola from an early age, where dental, diabetes and addiction problems reach worrying extremes .

San Cristóbal de los Oxxos - EDUCA

In addition, it reveals that only in the Hospital de las Culturas, in two years almost 60% of diseases that put the health of the population at risk from COVID-19 and that are associated with diabetes increased, one of the contributions of the high consumption of bottled soft drinks.


San Cristobal Post