Girls represent 62% of childhood diabetes cases in Tamaulipas


62% of the cases of type I childhood diabetes that have been registered in Tamaulipas, so far this year, are girls, which may be related to the fact that they mostly carry out activities at home or that imply less physical intensity or sports compared to boys.

Pediatrician Ivonne Delgado Herbert from the Tamaulipas College of Pediatrics explained that, in addition to the above described, they have a genetic predisposition coming from a mother with obesity or diabetes or being the children of mothers who during pregnancy had glucose elevations without proper weight control.

So far this year, Tamaulipas registers 90 new cases of childhood diabetes, of which 54 are girls and 34 boys, in addition to 2 new cases yet to be classified, according to the report issued by the General Directorate of Epidemiology, which also represents a growth of 31% compared to the same period of the previous year when 69 cases were reported.

The also member of the Association of Physicians of the Hospital Infantil de México “Federico Gómez” said that the highest incidence of cases is in the school stage, between 6 to 15 years of age “because that is when they have more access to more things, they have no control over eating and the diagnosis comes ”.

“When the minor has insulin resistance, the neck, the knuckles of the hands and the crotch become dark spots, they can present alterations such as rolls on the neck and they begin to get a little more beauty and acne, This is called hyperinsulinism and they have a greater tendency to be diabetic ”, he explained, as this is the way in which the disease can be detected.

Interviewed in the framework of the International Day of the Girl, explained that it is mainly ‘girls’ who can make the difference with early metabolic programming, a medical procedure recommended mainly to those who have a mother and grandmother with diabetes, women with the disease already detected or all those who seek to be a mother.

Delgado Herbert said that programming will not avoid the risk that the person in treatment will develop it, but it will prevent them from having a child with this condition. So far this year alone, there are 5,647 women who have received the diagnosis of type II diabetes “it is necessary that they plan, that they avoid bad eating habits as women because childhood diabetes comes from the mother, it is a change of habits and an education of self-care, “said the pediatrician attached to the Hospital Angeles Tampico.

Source: OEM

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