San Cristobal de Las Casas council delivery uniforms for the Vigilante Citizen and School Citizen Program


October 8, 2020.- The Municipal Mayor of San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Jerónima Toledo Villalobos; In the company of Jorge Luis Llaven Abarca, State Attorney General and Deputy Valeria Santiago Barrientos, President of the Civil Protection Commission of the Chiapas State Congress, they symbolically delivered uniforms to the preventive personnel of the “Vigilant Citizen” Program and ” School Citizen “, with the aim of providing security and building trust to the citizens of San Cristobal.

In her welcome message, the municipal president of San Cristóbal de Las Casas thanked the State Attorney General, Mtro. Jorge Luis Llaven Abarca because, with his presence, “We reiterate the commitment we have with Mexico, with Chiapas and of course with San Cristóbal de Las Casas. Their presence is very important because it also means that we are not going to walk alone, but rather it means that we walk together among all the institutions ”.

Gobierno de San Cristóbal entrega uniformes del programa “Ciudadano  Vigilante”

Similarly, he thanked Dip. Valeria Santiago Barrientos, President of the Civil Protection Commission of the H. Congress of the State because it has, from the Congress, the voice and the support and took the opportunity to reiterate the commitment to Governor Rutilio Escandón Cadenas: “Here are the elements that day by day they offer their commitment and their life; to tell San Cristóbal that this great commitment to generate security and trust is always present, “said Toledo Villalobos.

At the event, the following were present: the State Attorney General, Mtro. Jorge Luis Llaven Abarca, the Dip. Valera Santiago Barrientos, president of the Civil Protection Commission of the H. Congress of the State of Chiapas, the director of the Municipal Police, Mtro. Félix Noé Penagos Madrigal, Lic. Guillermo Alonso Gómez Loarca, second councilor and president of the Public Safety Commission of the San Cristóbal de Las Casas City Council, Mtra. Adriana Rebollo Nucamendi, District Attorney for Altos, Lic. Gregorio Pérez Gómez, Prosecutor for Indigenous Justice and C. Rogelio Isaac Liévano Bautista, vigilant citizen of the Fracc. Lomas de Huitepec, on behalf of benefited preventive personnel.

Participación ciudadana fortalece la prevención y el combate del delito en  Chiapas |

Among the neighborhoods that were benefited, the following stand out: Lomas del Sur, Montes Azules, Campo Benigno, Lomas de Huitepec and Vista Hermosa and the Lázaro Cárdenas del Río de la Col. Ciudad Real and La Telesecundaria No. 801 de la Col. Lagos de Montebello.


San Cristobal Post