Meteriote falls in Tamaulipas, it was seen in Nuevo León, Coahuila, and southern Texas


This is what’s left of the meteorite that was seen on the night of October 6th, after falling in Tamaulipas.

The remains of the meteorite fell in Ciudad Victoria and Bustamante; residents of the Lázaro Cárdenas ejido report to authorities the fall of this material; the celestial body was also seen in Monterrey, Nuevo León.

After the sighting of a meteorite in the northeast of the country and southern United States, Tamaulipas Civil Protection personnel had the report of the fall of the remains of this celestial body in Ciudad Victoria and Bustamante.

Pedro Granados Ramírez, head of Civil Protection of the state, reported that the first astronomical impact occurred at 11:00 p.m. in the Lázaro Cárdenas ejido, a town located five kilometers north of the outskirts of the capital of Tamaulipas.

He said users made 911 calls to give their testimony of the sighting and fall.

“They claim to have seen a flash in the sky that illuminated all that part. Particularly residents of the Lázaro Cárdenas ejido in which they say that after the light there is a small fire that ignited a scrub surface ”, he commented.

The area where the alleged remains fell is on the edge of the town.

Upon arrival, the firefighters noticed that the fire was from the inside out, so it was estimated that this was the point of the fall of an incandescent object.

“A 4-meter diameter scrub surface caught fire. Members of civil protection from the municipality, firefighters, state civil protection and municipal police showed up to monitor the area, and listen to the testimony of witnesses.

The staff took some samples to take them to analyze and confirm that they are parts of an asteroid.

The second impact was at that same time in the mountains of the municipality of Bustamante, a neighboring town of Nuevo León and San Luis Potosí.

There is a call from a person who went to the San Luis Potosí-Matamoros highway at kilometer 70 and said that he had seen this meteorite crossing from the west to the east in the sky and according to the witness, he saw it fall in the Bustamante mountain range ”, explained Granados Ramírez .

Granados Ramirez said that at the moment nearby residents have not reported any fire, taking into account the intensity and degree of heat that the celestial body could give off.

Through social networks, the state of Nuevo León, Coahuila, Tamaulipas, and part of Texas made known about the presence of a meteor in the sky so it is believed that it is the same one that ended up making impact in Tamaulipas.

Source: Excelsior

Tamaulipas Post