October is a special month in astronomical terms for it is a “Blue Moon” month with two full moons


October features two full moons, including a rare one in Halloween!

October is a special month in astronomical terms for it will have two full moons!

The sky offers all kinds of visual shows: polar lights, moon and sun eclipses, meteor showers, and supermoons, to mention some.

October is a special month in astronomical terms for it is a “Blue Moon” month with two full moons.

According to NASA, the Moon will appear full for about three days around this time, from Wednesday morning through Saturday morning. This Moon is called the Harvest moon since it is closest to the autumnal equinox.

This will be one of the smallest full Moons of the year, the opposite of a “Supermoon,” sometimes called a micro full Moon.

The term “Blue Moon” refers to the second full moon in the same month. Since moon cycles last for approximately 29.5 days, it is possible for two full moons to take place in a month with 30 or 31 days.

This year, the first full moon will take place on October 1 and the second, the Blue Moon, will be visible on October 31, which will give a mysterious tone to Halloween celebrations in the United States as well as Day of the Dead in Mexico.

NASA estimates that this phenomenon takes place every two and a half years. The last Blue Moon took place in March 2018, according to the specialized blog EarthSky.

However, the use of this expression does not necessarily mean that the satellite will turn blue. Earthsky explains that a true blue moon happens when there are dust or smoke particles of a certain size in the atmosphere, for example, during the eruption of a volcano or a wildfire.

The most famous case of this phenomenon took place in 1883 when the Krakatoa volcano erupted in Indonesia. The ash columns rose to the atmosphere, caused the dispersion of red light, and caused the moon to look blueish.

Blue Moon (Archive)

There is another definition of Blue Moon, which is used to refer to the third of four full moons in a single season of the year. Under these conditions, the next “Blue Moon” will take place on August 22, 2021.

Although the Moon will remain the same color, you can watch October’s second full moon from your home if you are in an area with clear weather.

No telescopes or special equipment are needed to do so, you only need to have the weather in your favor.

Source: El Universal

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