Mazatlan passengers of aurigas and pulmonias will have to wear face masks


Mazatlan Sinaloa

* This weekend awareness campaign will be carried out before proceeding with the sanctions

In order for the users of the rental transport service in this city, specifically Aurigas and Pulmonías to comply 100 percent with the health protocols established by the new normal, municipal and state authorities agreed to initiate an awareness campaign on the use of the mouth cover and antibacterial gel in each unit.

During a meeting held this Wednesday afternoon, the heads of Capta, Public Security, Municipal Transit, local and state Civil Protection, Sedectur, and Roads and State Transport, analyzed the problems that arise in these types of rental units, in where it is frequent that the occupants do not wear the mouth cover and later go to the tourist areas without adequate protection.

Francisco Guerra González, Deputy Director of Municipal Transit, mentioned that these actions, together with Operative Networks, are aimed at ensuring that Mazatlán remains a safe tourist destination so that as of the following week, they could begin to sanction the drivers that allow the users of their units not to adhere to the established measures.

“It is only to start an awareness-raising operation for all public services so that they follow the security protocols, which respect the maximum number of passengers that they must have to carry both charioteers and pneumonia.

The aurigas are for 8 people in the back, no one should go with the driver, and in pulmonias there is a maximum of 4 people as long as the person who goes with the driver, the vehicle has the formal health measures. which is being a separator, to avoid direct contact with them.

It is about supporting the work being done by the mayor, Chemist Luis Guillermo Benítez Torres so that Mazatlán continues to be the first tourist port with the health measures that are by protocol at the Federal level, ”he explained.

At the meeting, the attendees agreed that the awareness will be carried out on an itinerant basis in addition to carrying out a tourist route in the near future to monitor the protocols of the new normal, which will include hotels, restaurants, and crowded places.


The Mazatlan Post