Juarez and Zeferino Gutierrez parks in San Miguel de Allende reopen this Thursday, October 1


“Sports areas and children’s games will remain closed”

Será inaugurado el Parque Zeferino Gutiérrez en SMA - Kiosco de la Historia
Inauguran canchas del Parque Juárez en San Miguel de Allende, con  encuentros deportivos | TV INDEPENDENCIA

San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato.- After almost six months of being closed due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Juárez and Zeferino Gutiérrez parks will reopen as of this Thursday, October 1 with the restrictions and measures to prevent contagion, announced this afternoon the municipal president Luis Alberto Villarreal García.


The parks will be open from 6:00 am to 9:00 pm; However, the children’s and sports playgrounds (basketball courts) may not be used until the municipality advances to the corresponding phase of the General Health and Safety Measures for the Reactivation of Establishments in the Municipality of San Miguel de Allende.

Reabren 'parques' de 6:00 a 21:00 horas - News San Miguel

The use of a face mask will be mandatory to enter these spaces.

In addition, Villarreal García announced that this Thursday more measures for the economic reactivation of the municipality will be announced, taking into account the changes in the state traffic light.

El Zeferino Gutiérrez: 100 años después SMA estrenó un nuevo parque

San Miguel de Allende stands out for being one of the municipalities with more than 200 thousand inhabitants with the lowest rates of infections, active cases, and deaths from covid-19; This is due to anticipated measures to contain the pandemic and strict protocols for economic reactivation.

Parque Zeferino Gutierrez | Discover San Miguel de Allende

Source: sanmigueldeallende.gob.mx

San Miguel Post