Quirino Ordaz Coppel Governor of Sinaloa assures that the Caribbean Series will ‘undoubtedly’ take place


The passage of Sinaloa in the epidemiological orange and yellow traffic light may allow baseball stadiums to have a capacity of up to 50% of their capacity, as reported by the governor of Sinaloa Quirino Ordaz Coppel.

The governor’s statements highlighted professional sports entertainment as a measure of regional economic reactivation and as an important therapeutic measure to combat the effects of confinement that occurred during this pandemic.

Ordaz Coppel also affirmed that they place their trust in the public so that these sporting events can be held under all the necessary health protocols.

On the other hand, he stressed that the realization of the Caribbean series is an event that will be carried out without setbacks and that will undoubtedly be carried out.

‘Without a doubt, the Caribbean Series will take place, and I believe that we will be able to show that we have that care, that responsibility, that awareness to be able, and I think we have valued it a lot, who does not want to go to a stadium Who does not want to be participating and also enjoying those great moments that baseball or soccer leaves us; so, we are going to channel that, but I am confident that there will be a very good response from the population. ‘

However, Ordaz Coppel stressed that much of the operation of these plans will depend on the seriousness with which the population abides by the application of these measures to keep the risk of contagion at a level that is not a risk factor for attendees.

Source: sinaloahoy.com.mx,

The Mazatlan Post