Is Mazatlan a Queer destination yet?


Mexico signs agreement to encourage LGBT tourism back in 2019

Is Mazatlan a Queer destination yet ?

How Lesbian Friendly Is Mexico in 2019 - Lez See the World

Mexico is the first country in Latin America to sign an agreement with Queer Destinations and the International Gay and Lesbian Travel Association ( IGLTA ).

During the celebration of the 44th edition of the Tianguis Turístico in Acapulco , the head of the Ministry of Tourism ( Sectur ), Miguel Torruco, explained that this agreement gives continuity to the letter of intent that was initialed by the parties in Berlin, Germany, last March.

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The objective is to position, promote and consolidate the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual and Intersex (LGBTI) tourism product so that Mexico is recognized as an inclusive destination for this segment of travelers.

“The promotion of Mexico as a friendly destination is key, both for the economic development of the country and for progress towards a society full of diversity and tolerance.”

“We are very excited to be part of the tourism plans announced by the Government of Mexico for the next few years,”  said Oriol Pamies, director of Queer Destinations .

Mexico is one of the countries with the most LGBTI tourism, and based on figures from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography, between 2.9 million and 3.4 million people from this community arrive in the country each year.


The cities of Mexico and Puerto Vallarta are the ones that attract the greatest flow of tourists, although it is also sought that other towns have greater promotion, such as the Magic Towns or other types of destinations.

“LGBTI tourism is not only a couple of men traveling, there are women, older adults, families and there are children; and not everyone is looking for the same type of destination and one of the most important parts is working hand in hand with the Ministry of Tourism to see which is the perfect product and different from the ones that are already being promoted ” , explained the manager.

The signing of this agreement was the result of a proposal from SECTUR for cooperation with international organizations and the sector “to position Mexico as a competitive and avant-garde tourist power.”

“It is the first time that it will be done in a structured way and above all by the hand of an international organization such as the IGLTA community .”

“That has 36 years of experience leading tourism in this segment and ensuring that it can expand throughout the world,” said Pamies.

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It is a company specialized in the tourism promotion of the LGBTI segment and an affiliated member of the IGLTA .

Which makes available a global network of influencers and digital media to design a marketing, communication and public relations strategy in order to increase the number of travelers.

In coordination with the IGLTA , it will also adapt international quality standards for optimal service to travelers in this market.

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The Mazatlan Post