CDMX, Nuevo Leon and Quintana Roo, leaders in housing prices


The real estate offer in entities such as Quintana Roo and Mexico City is oriented to the apartments, in addition to maintaining stable prices.

Quintana Roo was among the 3 entities with the highest prices for horizontal housing, while it ranks as the second entity with the highest average apartment sales prices in the country.

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Monterrey Nuevo Leon

According to him Real Estate Market Report 2020 of Lamudi, who analyzed the digital housing supply, the average price of houses in CDMX is 8 million pesos, followed by Nuevo León with 6.26 million and Quintana Roo with 5.4 million pesos.

In contrast, the entities with the lowest prices for housing are Tlaxcala, Tamaulipas, and Chiapas with 1.29, 1.5, and 1.65 million pesos.

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Regarding the average price of the apartments, the capital of the country remains number one in this area, with an average of 6.6 million pesos, but Quintana Roo was placed in second place with an average of 5 million pesos, and then Baja California with 4.81 million pesos.

In the case of lower prices, Tlaxcala, Colima and Hidalgo stand out, with 379 thousand pesos for the first and 450 thousand for the second.


Compared to Lamudi’s previous study of the national market, in 2018, home prices remained stable in Mexico City, while in Quintana Roo, houses grew 33% in price, but apartments lost 15.3% in its value.

In the case of Nuevo León, the price of horizontal homes fell 18.4% compared to the 2018 study, while in the departments the drop was 31.1%.

Regarding rents, the CDMX, State of Mexico, and Puebla lead the average prices, with 28,900, 24,400, and 17,300 pesos per month for houses. While in departments, the highest in the country corresponds to the metropolitan area also with almost 28,000 pesos in both entities, followed by Quintana Roo with 19,200 pesos per month, according to Lamudi.

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Unlike the sales prices, in relation to 2018, the average rental prices did not register very drastic changes.


Monterrey Daily Post